Tallinn University of Technology

Final Paper Submission

IEEE PDF eXpress and Copy Right Requirements:

You need to submit the final version of your paper with the modifications requested by the reviewers.

Please make sure you entered ALL authors in the submission system!

Once you have uploaded the final version, you will have a new option in the submission system labeled "Sign IEEE Copyright," which will take you to the IEEE eCF site, where you can transfer the copyright to IEEE.

Do not add copyright notice in your first page's bottom margin. The post-production team will add the correct copyright notice.

Make sure ALL authors are indicated in the copyright form!

If your IEEE Template contains a copyright notice in the bottom margin, remove it before you create a PDF. 
The margin should be kept empty so the requested copyright notice can be added during the post-production.

Proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.

Creating your PDF eXpress Account

Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress site

First-time users should do the following:

1. Sign Up.

2. Enter the following:

• 58103X for the Conference ID
your email address
confirm the email address
choose a password

3. Continue to enter information as prompted.

An Online confirmation will be displayed, and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup. 

Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.

Initial Paper Submission

A paper can be submitted to one of the technical tracks and special sessions. Please, make sure you have correctly selected the most suitable track or special session in the submission system. We invite you to submit the initial version of your full paper using the following link:

Submit Manuscript

IES Conference Management System

CPE-POWERENG 2023 uses the new IES conference management system. Before submitting your paper, you should register with the conference management system. If you haven't registered yet, please register at:


As part of the registration process, you will receive a confirmation email for you to activate your account.

Paper Format and Recommendations

When submitting a paper to a conference organized by the IEEE IES or any other IEEE society, it is essential to follow a series of rules in the format and typographies. These stringent requirements help the paper's information to be viewed correctly by other members. And ensure that if these articles are printed, no special tricks or specific paper sizes are needed.
Also, it is important to know that the paper format for conferences is similar to the one for transactions. Applying transaction format to conference papers is not a good practice. For instance, authors' affiliation and acknowledgment notice formats are different. 

You are advised to use the A4 template prepared by the CPE-POWERENG organizers by the link below, as its compatibility with the submission system was tested.

A4 Template (updated, Jan. 2023)


IEEE provides a good set of template files for most modern text processors. These templates have nice examples and the right margins. If starting a new paper, please start it on a fresh and empty template.

In case the paper was started into another document with a different format, the text can be copied without format into the IEEE template. Another option is to save the document in plain text format (often known as TXT) and then import it into the template.

Please be aware that the new template includes an empty label at the bottom of the first page to add the copyright label. In IES conferences, a different set of proceedings are created and distributed (one for USB, one for online, another one for IEEE Xplore, etc...), all having the same papers but with different codes. Due to this, we kindly ask to delete the empty copyright label, often being something like XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/.00 ©20XX IEEE.

Fonts and Page Numbers

The typographical aspect of characters in IEEE technical papers is to be kept as similar and uniform as possible. For many years, the "Times" family of computer fonts, available in LaTeX packages and postscript printers, has been used. Operative systems provide fonts like "Times New Roman", "Nimbus Roman No 9", "Liberation" and many others that are also generally accepted. Some are also included in packages like GhostScript.

Another common pitfall is placing page numbers into the document. As your paper will be placed into a collection of documents, please do not put page numbers. Most of the tools used to generate proceedings do this for the conference.

Authors' Affiliation

Do not place the authors' affiliation at the end of the first page of the document. This is a special space only for transactions papers, but not for conference papers. Move this data below the authors' names, under the title of the paper.


Do not put the acknowledgment at the end of the first page of the document. This is a special space only for transactions papers, but not for conference papers. Move your acknowledgment notice near the end of the last page of the document, before references.


No biographies nor photos of authors are allowed in conference papers. This is only for transaction papers.

From your document to PDF

IEEE has a clear and (almost) complete technical definition of the allowed PDF characteristics for conferences. The latest version can be downloaded from IEEE Publishing Technology Resources page.

Too often, authors think that there is only one way to transform their documents to the Portable Document Format (PDF). As the original author of this encoding is the Adobe company, it seems logical that buying a license for Adobe Acrobat can do the trick. But nowadays, PDF is an open standard, and there are many alternatives to create a file to submit. Some are free, some are open source, some accept donations, and some are paid. Choose your flavor:

Also, some text processors, like Microsoft Word, OpenOffice and LibreOffice, can save the document in PDF format.

Embedding Typographic Fonts

IEEE asks for embedded typographic fonts on each PDF file. And this is one of the most frequent mistakes.

The pdf file must include (embed) the fonts needed to be shown on screen and printed.

If the fonts are not embedded when generating the PDF, it is usually a configuration issue of the software that creates the pdf file. It is not a word processor problem (Microsoft Word, LibreOffice Writer, etc...) It is just a misconfiguration of the PDF creator (Adobe Distiller, Primo PDF, etc...) Please take a look at the user manual and the configurations menus. The solution is often a few clicks away. Just configure your program to embed all typographic fonts.