Tallinn University of Technology

Cyber Security Engineering

Program ManagerValdo Praust
Assistant to Program ManagerDagmar Tamme
Study programme code: IVSB 


Internship is a mandatory part of your curriculum and must be performed before defending the final thesis. You can find more information regarding the internship procedure here.  

In case you have questions regarding internship please contact the internship curator Grete Lind


Deadlines regarding defences of graduation theses in 2024/25 autumn semester: 

4 September at 16.00 in ICO-221 seminar about defending theses for theses defenders in the autumn and spring semester 
9 September  deadline for submitting the graduation thesis in the individual study plan of the semester
(for students who defend theses in the autumn semester)
30 September  submission of a thesis task specification in Moodle 
NB! It has to be submitted by students who plan to defend their thesis either
in the autumn or spring semester! 
7 - 18 October  defence of a thesis task specification for students who defend theses either in the autumn or spring semester 
28 October 

submission of a digitally signed thesis task specification in Moodle, signed both by a student and a supervisor 
(for students who defend theses either in the autumn or spring semester) 

2 December  submission of a graduation thesis for the preliminary defence in PDF-format in Moodle 
(for theses defenders in the autumn semester) 
9 - 13 December  preliminary defence of graduation theses 
16 December  deadline for submission of applications for the defence in study information system (ÕIS) 
6 January  

in Moodle: 
- submission of a digitally signed
 thesis and separately in PDF-format; 
- submission of the supervisor's opinion (digitally signed); 
- filling the file with metadata 

6 January  confirmation of applications for the defence in ÕIS by supervisors 
14 January   completion of the curriculum
NB! Before defending the thesis all grades must be in ÕIS, including grade improvements! 
14 January publishing the names of students permitted to the defence of graduation theses
14 January deadline for reviews of graduation theses 
21 - 24 January  defence of graduation theses 
June 2025  graduation ceremony in TalTech Assembly Hall

Deadlines regarding defences of graduation theses in 2024/25 spring semester: 

10 February  deadline for submitting the graduation thesis in the individual study plan of the semester
(for students who defend theses in the spring semester) 
21 April  submission of a graduation thesis for the preliminary defence in PDF-format in Moodle 
(for theses defenders in the spring semester) 
28 April - 9 May  preliminary defence of graduation theses 
12 May  deadline for submission of applications for the defence in study information system (ÕIS) 
14 May 

in Moodle: 
- submission of a digitally signed
 thesis and separately in PDF-format; 
- submission of the supervisor's opinion (digitally signed); 
- filling the file with metadata 

20 May  completion of the curriculum
NB! Before defending the thesis all grades must be in ÕIS, including grade improvements! 
21 May  publishing the names of students permitted to the defence of graduation theses
21 May  deadline for reviews of graduation theses 
23 May  confirmation of applications for the defence in ÕIS by supervisors 
27 May - 13 June  defence of graduation theses 
June 2025  graduation ceremony in TalTech Assembly Hall

Seminar about defending theses in 2023/24 spring semester: recording, slides

Compiling and defending graduation theses on programmes related to IT College 

School of IT: general information about theses and graduation 

For more information regarding theses please contact Mr Toomas Lepikult

Programme Advisory Committee

  • Andrus Padar - Security Expert, chairman 
  • Margus Ernits - Security Expert 
  • Raido Orumets - Security Expert 
  • Kaido Raiend - Security Expert 
  • Olev Sepp - Security Expert 
  • Kaido Kikkas - Associate Professor 
  • Rain Ottis - Associate Professor 
  • Tsun Sing Jason Fong - Student 
  • Mattia Roveri - Student 
  • Joel Ruuben Seene - Student