Tallinn University of Technology

Summer vacation

The Dean’s Office will be on summer vacation from 15.07.2024 to 4.08.2024.

During this period, the Dean’s Office (ICT-120) will be closed, answering letters and issuing certificates may be delayed.

For students:

  •  The Dean's Office will answer your questions concerning the change of curriculum and enrollment in the School from 5th of August, i.e. your applications will be processed before the beginning of the autumn semester.

  • To request a certificate, an academic transcript, fill in the form in the Help Centre or send an e-mail to: i@taltech.ee.

Assistants to Program Managers

Program managers



Marketing and Business contacts

General Contacts of Departments and College

Department of Computer Systems
Address: Akadeemia tee 15a, 12618, Tallinn
tel +372 620 2100

Department of Software Sciences
Address: Akadeemia tee 15a, 12618, Tallinn; Akadeemia tee 21, 12618, Tallinn; Ehitajate tee 5, 12618, Tallinn
tel +372 620 4226

Department of Health Technologies
Address: Akadeemia tee 1, 12618, Tallinn; Akadeemia tee 15a, 12618, Tallinn
tel +372 620 2200

Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics
Address: Ehitajate tee 5, 12618, Tallinn
tel +372 620 2165

IT College
Address: Raja 4C, 12616, Tallinn
tel +372 628 5800