Animal Facility
TalTech Animal Facility is located in the Science Building (Akadeemia tee 15, Tallinn, 10615) and is accredited by the Agricultural and Food Board, identification number KL0102. The Animal Facility Animal Facility has a breeding and animal use permit for the following experimental animals: mouse and rat.
Laboratory animal care service, which includes feed, drink and litter, as well as animal breeding service
Autoclave ZIRBUS Technology GmbH 6x6x9 (serial no. 4111)
Display device IVIS Lumina II:
Imaging with anesthesia (animals)
Imaging without anesthesia (cells, plants)
Display service (animals, cells, plants)
Imaging training (mandatory before first use; minimum training time before independent use of apparatus 4 hours for animals, 2 hours for cells and plants)
Organization of animal experiments
Experimental animals are used for permitted scientific or educational purposes in accordance with Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council. The directive protects the well-being of experimental animals, binds mandatory standards in keeping, caring for animals, conducting animal experiments, and reducing the number of experimental animals. The animal experiment project is carried out in the TalTech Animal Facility with the consent of the Animal Facility’s board and valid animal project permit approved by Estonian Agriculture and Food Board. Application form for animal project permit and the project non-technical summary form is available at Estonian Agriculture and Food Board. According to Directive 2010/63/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council (Article 23), only trained personnel with a valid certificate are allowed to work with experimental animals.
We are open to cooperation! Feel free to write to if you have any additional questions.
Head of Animal Facility: Anastassia Šubina,
Animal caretaker: Tatjana Tanvel,
For further reading