Tallinn University of Technology

General Services

Polarimeter Anton Paar MCP500 - specific rotation measurement, 1 sample - 80 EUR + KM
Contact: Kristin Erkman, kristin.erkman@taltech.ee

Agilent Bioanalyzer - 35 EUR/chip + KM
Price includes 1 chip analysis. The price does not include reagent, plastic or labor costs.

GENios Pro (Tecan) plate reader - 20 EUR/h + KM
​​​​​​​30 min is the minimum usage time of the device. The price does not include reagent, plastic or labor costs.

Real-time PCR system Lightcycler 480II - 20 eur/run + KM
The price does not include reagent, plastic or labor costs.
Contact: Indrek Koppel, indrek.koppel@taltech.ee