Tallinn University of Technology


In order to complete the curriculum, the student defend a final thesis.

List of the potential supervisors, requirements and deadlines can be found in TalTech Moodle,
course name is HAJB/HAJM Thesis

In the process of research, a student is assisted by a supervisor, with the option to seek assistance from the law school in finding one. A co-supervisor may be necessary for specialized topics, subject to department approval.

Thesis seminars offer guidance on topic selection, content, structure and formatting.

Thesis seminar I provides students with a starting point for successfully writing their thesis.
Seminar I takes place during the fall semester (only once per academic year) and requires the submission of a thesis project as a prerequisite.

Thesis seminar II encourages students to complete 75% of their thesis to meet the final submission deadline.
Seminar II takes place in both - fall semester and spring semester.
Seminar II in fall semester is primarily intended for those students who plan to graduate in January and have already completed the seminar I in a previous academic year.
Seminar II requires the submission of a thesis version as a prerequisite.

With the consent and approval of the supervisor, the Master's thesis can also be prepared in the form of a research article or book chapter. Feedback on the suitability of the publisher will be provided by the supervisor (including during the thesis seminar).
The thesis published as a research article can be defended if (in the case of an unpublished article) there is a confirmation letter sent by the publishing house that the article will be published. 

The thesis must be related to a legal problem(s) and aimed at solving this problem or problems.  The student must write his work independently, ethically and refrain from plagiarism or other inappropriate behavior that is not appropriate in an academic environment.