Operational oceanography
Operational oceanography measures, assesses and forecasts the marine environmental status in the short term.
The Department of Marine Systems utilises autonomous measurement systems and platforms for monitoring the marine environmental status and its rapid fluctuations. The department regularly conducts high frequency measurements using Ferrybox systems deployed on commercial ferries, sensors on surface buoys, and water column measuring complexes. In addition, to increase the high resolution mapping of research areas, towable undulating systems are being used.
Methods of remote sensing enable us to map different parameters on an extended sea area.
Information gathered by autonomous measuring systems is available almost near real time and the data is applied for day-to-day operating and developing of several forecasting models.

Keri station data
Changes in vertical distribution of temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll at Keri station since October 2023.
Contact person: Taavi Liblik, taavi.liblik@taltech.ee
The construction of Keri station was supported by the European Regional Development Fund and it is a part of Estonian Environmental Observatory network.
Keri data sharing is supported by the project Jerico-S3 (project can be found here). This project has received funding from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreements No 871153 and 951799. Project coordinator: IFREMER, France. The information and views of this website lie entirely with the authors. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.