Ilja Maljutenko, 2019. Vee tsirkulatsioon poolsuletud magevee mõjualas – Soome lahes ja Liivi lahes (juhendaja professor Urmas Raudsepp (TalTech)
Sander Rikka, 2019. Laine- ja tuuleväljade määramine Läänemeres radarkaugseire andmetest (juhendajad: vanemteadur Rivo Uiboupin (TalTech) ja Andrey Pleskachevsky (Saksa kosmose- ja lennunduskeskus, DLR)
Irina Suhhova, 2018. Hoovuste muutlikkus ja struktuur stratifitseeritud Soome lahes (juhendaja: vanemteadur Taavi Liblik (TalTech)
Maris Skudra, 2017. Features of Thermohaline Structure and Circulation in the Gulf of Riga (juhendajad Prof Urmas Lips ja Prof Victor Zhurbas).
Sirje Sildever, 2017. Influence of Physical-Chemical Factors on Community and Populations of the Baltic Sea Spring Bloom Microalgae (juhendaja juhtivteadur Inga Lips).
Villu Kikas, 2016. Physical Processes Controlling the Surface Layer Dynamics in the Stratified Gulf of Finland: An Application of Ferrybox Technology (juhendaja Prof Urmas Lips).
Peeter Laas, 2016. Spatiotemporal Niche-Partitioning of Bacterioplankton Community across Environmental Gradients in the Baltic Sea (juhendaja juhtivteadur Inga Lips)
Karin Ojamäe, 2016. The Ecology and Photobiology of Mixotrophic Alveolates in the Baltic Sea (juhendaja juhtivteadur Inga Lips)
Jekaterina Služenikina, 2016. Applications of marine scatterometer winds and quality aspects of their assimilation into numerical weather prediction model HIRLAM (juhendajad: Prof Sirje Keevallik ja Aarne Männik, PhD)
Edith Soosaar, 2016. An evolution of freshwater bulge in laboratory scale experiments and natural conditions (juhendajad: Prof Urmas Raudsepp ja Prof Robert D Hetland)
Victor Alari, 2013. Multi-Scale Wind Wave Modeling in the Baltic Sea (juhendaja Prof Urmas Raudsepp)
Rivo Uiboupin, 2013. Application of Remote Sensing Methods for the Investigation of Spatio-Temporal Variability of Sea Surface Temperature and Chlorophyll Fields in the Gulf of Finland (juhendaja juhtivteadur Jaan Laanemets)
Priidik Lagemaa, 2012. Operational Forecasting in Estonian Marine Waters (juhendaja Prof Jüri Elken)
Taavi Liblik, 2012. Variability of Thermohaline Structure in the Gulf of Finland in Summer (juhendaja Prof Urmas Lips)
Kai Rosin, 2012. Solar Radiation and Wind as Agents of the Formation of the Radiation Regime in Water Bodies (juhendaja Prof Sirje Keevallik)
Ove Pärn, 2011. Sea Ice Deformation Events in the Gulf of Finland and Their Impact on Shipping (juhendaja Prof Jüri Elken, kaasjuhendaja dr Jari Haapala)
Germo Väli, 2011. Numerical Experiments on Matter Transport in the Baltic Sea (juhendaja Aleksander Toompuu, PhD, kaasjuhendaja prof Victor Zhurbas)
Gennadi Lessin, 2007. Biochemical definition of coastal zone using numerical modeling and measurement data (juhendaja Urmas Raudsepp, PhD, kaasjuhendaja Vladimir A. Ryabchenko)
Liis Sipelgas, 2006. Application of Satellite Data for Monitoring the Marine Environment (juhendaja Urmas Raudsepp, PhD)
Juss Pavelson, 2005. Mesoscale physical processes and the related impact on the summer nutrient fields and phytoplankton blooms in the western gulf of Finland. (juhendaja Jaan Laanemets, PhD)
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