PhD Programme
- Aamir Latif - "6G Radio Communication Architecture Design"
Supervisor: Muhammad Mahtab Alam ; Co-Supervisor: Yannick Le Moullec - Alejandro Noé Díaz Vargas - "Energy-Efficient Real-Time Edge AI and Computer Vision for Industry 5.0 Applications"
Supervisor: Yannick Le Moullec ; Co-Supervisor: Alar Kuusik - Anar Abdullayev - "Research and implementation of the electrical impedance spectroscopy solutions"
Supervisor: Olev Märtens ; Co-Supervisor: Margus Metshein - Anum Umer - "New Methods for 6G Hyperconnected Joint Radio Communication, Sensing, Computation and Localization"
Supervisor: Muhammad Mahtab Alam ; Co-Supervisor: Ivo Müürsepp - Aleksei Fjodorov - "Sensor fusion enabled indoor positioning”
Supervisor: Muhammad Mahtab Alam ; Co-Supervisors: Alar Kuusik ; Sander Ulp - Fariha Afrin - "Sensors, algorithms and platforms for fluorescence and morphology detection in flow cytometry"
Supervisor: Yannick Le Moullec ; Co-Supervisor: Tamás Pardy - Jakob Rostovski - "An assistive context-aware proactive functional electrical stimulation system"
Supervisor: Muhammad Mahtab Alam ; Co-Supervisor: Alar Kuusik - Mihkel Tommingas - "Multi network positioning algorithms and methods"
Supervisor: Muhammad Mahtab Alam ; Co-Supervisors: Ivo Müürsepp ; Sander Ulp - Mehrab Mahdian - "Cogni-E-spin: Cognitronic Electrospinning System for Automated Quality Control of Nanofiber Product"
Supervisor: Tamás Pardy ; Co-Supervisor: Ferenc Ender - Udayan Sunil Patankar - "Development of sensors based on wide bandgap heterostructures"
Supervisor: Ants Koel ; Co-Supervisor: Tamás Pardy
Defended PhD theses
Marika Kulmar - "Radio Access Network Subslicing in Closed Control Loop for Improved Slice Performance Management"
Supervisor: Muhammad Mahtab Alam ; Co-Supervisors: Ivo Müürsepp, Sven Pärand
Kanwal Ashraf - "Co-Design of Wireless Networked Control Systems: Model-based Architecture and Joint Optimization"
Supervisor: Yannick Le Moullec ; Co-Supervisor: Tamás Pardy
Rauno Jõemaa - "Development of a Transferable Microfluidic Droplet Generator"
Supervisor: Tamás Pardy ; Co-Supervisor: Ott Scheler
Nafisat Gyimah - "Closed-Loop Droplet Size Control in Microfluidics"
Supervisor: Tamás Pardy ; Co-Supervisor: Ott Scheler
Hip Kõiv - "Development and Analysis of Carbon-Based Dry-Contact Electrodes for Bioimpedance Measurements"
Supervisor: Mart Min ; Co-Supervisors: Raul Land ; Indrek Must
Taavi Laadung - "Active-Passive Two-Way Ranging Protocol for Positioning Systems"
Supervisor: Muhammad Mahtab Alam ; Co-Supervisors: Yannick Le Moullec, Sander Ulp
Kaiser Pärnamets - "Optical Detection Methods for Droplet Microfluidic Applications"
Supervisor: Ants Koel ; Co-Supervisor: Tamás Pardy
Eiko Priidel - "Detection of changes in tissue state with electromagnetic interaction"
Supervisor: Mart Min ; Co-Supervisor: Jaan Ojarand
Collins Burton Mwakwata - "Scheduling in Radio Resource Management for Massive Machine-Type Communications"
Supervisor: Muhammad Mahtab Alam ; Co-Supervisor: Yannick Le Moullec
Ali Masood - "Implementation and Demonstration of a Device-to-Device Communication System for Emergency and Critical Scenarios"
Supervisor: Muhammad Mahtab Alam ; Co-Supervisor: Yannick Le Moullec
Sikandar Muhammad Zulqarnain Khan - "Narrowband Internet of Things (NB-IoT): from Radio Network Coverage to Device Energy Consumption Modeling and Energy-Efficient Application"
Supervisor: Yannick Le Moullec; Co-Supervisor: Muhhammad Mahtab Alam
Mehadi Hasan Ziko - "Characterization of Interfaces Between the Metal Film and Silicon Carbide Semiconductor"
Supervisor: Ants Koel; Co-Supervisor: Tamás Pardy
Robin Benjamin Ehrminger - "Development of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy and Total Internal Reflection Microscopy Based Biosensing Assay Systems"
Supervisor: Mart Min ; Co-Supervisor: Ago Rinken ; Sergei Kopanchuk
Ksenija Pesti - "Modelling and Simulation of Arterial Blood Pulsation via Bioimpedance"
Supervisor: Mart Min ; Co-Supervisor: Margus Metshein
Muhammad Haroon Rashid - "Characterization of novel photovoltaic materials and devices"
Supervisor: Ants Koel ; Co-Supervisor: Toomas Rang
Rida Khan - "System Level Optimization for Wearable Wireless Networks"
Supervisor: Muhammad Mahtab Alam
Egon Astra "Transmission Fiber Nonlinearity Mitigation in Optical Communication Links Using Phase-Sensitive Parametric Amplifiers"
Supervisor: Peter Avo Andrekson; Co-supervisor: Toomas Ruuben
Sander Ulp "Algorithms for Learning and Adaptation Over Networks – Distributed Leader Selection"
Supervisor: Muhammad Mahtab Alam ; Co-supervisor: Yannick Le Moullec
Maksim Butsenko "Parameter Estimation by Sparse Reconstruction with Wideband Dictionaries"
Supervisor: Olev Märtens ; Co-supervisor: Yannick Le Moullec
Margus Metshein "Wearable Solutions for Monitoring Cardiorespiratory Activity"
Supervisor: Paul Annus ; Co-supervisor: Mart Min, Alvo Aabloo
Ahti Ainomäe "Distributed Signal Processing in Cognitive Radio Networks"
Supervisor: Tõnu Trump ; Co-supervisors: Mats Bengtsson, Yannick Le Moullec
Faisal Ahmed "Modeling and Implementation of Linear Energy Prediction for Energy Harvesting in Intermittently Powered Wireless Sensor Nodes"
Supervisor: Yannick Le Moullec ; Co-supervisors: Paul Annus, Gert Tamberg
Anindya Gupta "Classification and Denoising of Objects in TEM and CT Images Using Deep Neural Networks"
Supervisor: Olev Märtens ; Co-supervisors: Yannick Le Moullec, Ida-Maria Sintorn
Marek Rist "Principles for the Design of Impedance Spectroscopy Devices for Identification of Dynamic Bio‐Systems"
Supervisor: Mart Min ; Co-supervisor: Olfa Kanoun
Tamás Pardy "Microheating Solution for Molecular Diagnostics Devices"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang ; Co-supervisors: Indrek Tulp, Ants Koel
Tauseef Ahmed "Radio Spectrum and Power Optimization Cognitive Techniques for Wireless Body Area Networks"
Supervisor: Yannick Le Moullec
Georgios Giannoukos "Mathematical and Physical Modelling of Dynamic Electrical Impedance"
Supervisor: Mart Min
Alina Gavrijaševa "Coin Validation by Electromagnetic, Acoustic and Visual Features"
Supervisor: Olev Märtens ; Co-supervisor: Raul Land
Yar Muhammad "A Parametric Framework for Modelling of Bioelectrical Signals"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang ; Co-supervisors: Paul Annus, Yannick Le Moullec
Ago Mölder "Image Processing Solutions for Precise Road Profile Measurement Systems"
Supervisor: Olev Märtens
Jana Toompuu "Investigation of the specific deep levels in p-, i- and n- regions of GaAs p⁺-pin-n⁺ structures"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang ; Co-supervisor: Oleg Korolkov
Reeno Reeder "Development and Optimisation of Modelling Methods and Algorithms for Terahertz Range Radiation Sources Based on Quantum Well Heterostructures"
Supervisor: Enn Velmre ; Co-supervisor: Andres Udal
Ants Koel "GaAs and SiC semiconductor materials based power structures: static and dynamic behavior analysis"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang
Juri Mihhailov "Accurate flexible current measurement method and its realization in power and battery management integrated circuits for portable applications"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang
Tõnis Saar "The Piezo-Electric Impedance Spectroscopy: Solutions and Applications"
Supervisor: Olev Märtens
Jaan Ojarand "Wideband Excitation Signals for Fast Impedance Spectroscopy of Biological Objects"
Supervisor: Mart Min ; Co-supervisor: Uwe Pliquett
Natalja Sleptšuk "Investigation of the Intermediate Layer in the Metal-Silicon Carbide Contact Obtained by Diffusion Welding"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang ; Co-supervisor: Oleg Korolkov
Sergei Strik "Battery Charging and Full-Featured Battery Charger Integrated Circuit for Portable Applications"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang ; Co-supervisor: Vladislav Potanin
Argo Kasemaa "Analog Front End Components for Bio-Impedance Measurement: Current Source Design and Implementation"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang ; Co-supervisor: Paul Annus
Paul Annus "Multichannel Bioimpedance Spectroscopy: Instrumentation Methods and Design Principles"
Supervisor: Mart Min ; Co-supervisor Toomas Parve
Andrei Krivošei "Model Based Method for Adaptive Decomposition of the Thoracic Bio-impedance Variations into Cardiac and Respiratory Components"
Supervisor: Mart Min ; Co-supervisor: Vello Kukk
Andrei Pokatilov "Pinge mõõtühiku riigietaloni arendamine Zener tüüpi etalonpingeallikate baasil"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang
Rauno Gordon "Modelling of Cardiac Dynamics and Intracardiac Bioimpedance"
Supervisor: Mart Min ; Co-supervisor: Toomas Parve
Viktor Voitovitš "GaAs kõrgepingeliste struktuuride valmistamise tehnoloogia vedelepitaksia meetodit kasutades"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang
Raido Kurel "Investigation of electrical characteristics of SiC based complementary JBS structures"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang
Rainer Taniloo "Design and Optimization of Economical Circuits and Components with Negative Differential Resistance"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang
Oleg Korolkov "Al-kontaktide valmistamine pooljuht ränikarbiidile kasutades difusioonkeevituse meetodit"
Supervisor: Toomas Rang
Toivo Paavle "Faasilukksüsteemide modelleerimine: käitumuslik analüüs ja parameetriline piiritlemine"
Supervisor: Mart Min
Ants Ronk "Laiendatud plokk-adaptiivne Fourier analüsaator piiratud spektriga reprodutseerimiseks"
Supervisor: Mart Min
Raul Land "Võendsignaalide sünkroonne aproksimeerimine ja töötlus"
Supervisor: Mart Min
Alar Kuusik "Kompaktsed intelligentse kodu süsteemid: soodsahinnaliste riistvaralahenduste disain ja verifitseerimine"
Suervisor: Mart Min
Olev Märtens "Vahelduvpinge mõõtemuundurid: analoog- ja digitaallahendused"
Supervisor: Mart Min
Toomas Parve "Signaali sünkroonmuundite täiustamine elektrilise bioimpedantsi mõõtmisel"
Supervisor: Mart Min
Andres Udal "Pooljuhtseadiste numbriliste mudelite väljatöötamine ja rakendamine seadiste teoorias ja disainis"
Supervisor: Enn Velmre
Enn Velmre "Bipolaar-pooljuhtseadiste modelleerimine ja simuleerimune"
Supervisor: Mart Min
Mart Min "Faasiprotsesside häirekindlus ja dünaamika sünkroonsetes mõõtemuundurites"
Supervisor: Paul Plakk (Kiievi Polütehniline Instituut, Ukraina)
Mihhail Pikkov "Autonoomsed pingemuundurid täistüüritavate pooljuhtseadiste baasil"
Supervisor: Vladimir Labuntsov (Moskva energeetika instituut, Venemaa Föderatsioon)
Toomas Rang "I2L skeemide modellerimine"
Supervisor: Kalman Tarnay (Ungari Teaduste Akadeemia,Ungari)