Tallinn University of Technology

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New partner

Dear potential future cooperation partner of the foundation TalTech Development Fund,

The goal of the foundation TalTech Development Fund is to support young talented students, junior researchers and lecturers. The scholarships awarded by partners of the Development Fund provide an opportunity to focus on studies and to recognize the employees whose commitment sets a good example to others.

At present TalTech Development Fund has nearly 60 partners (both companies as well as private persons) who contribute through their activities in the framework of the scholarship competitions held in spring and autumn. These partners include, e.g. ABB, State Real Estate Ltd RKAS, Silberauto, Telia and Viru Keemia Grupp AS.

Why award a scholarship in your or your company's name?

  1. Creates the best opportunities for students to focus on studies and acquisition of knowledge
  2. Helps to establish contacts with and make early connections with talented students
  3. Provides an opportunity to introduce your company to students

How are scholarships awarded?

  • Every spring and autumn a public competition is held for awarding scholarships.
  • The awarding of scholarships is agreed upon with the cooperation partners once a semester before the scholarship competition.
  • If necessary, we will prepare or update a cooperation agreement and a scholarship statute. The cooperation partner can set out in the statute for whom the scholarship is intended and the terms and conditions that must be fulfilled by the scholarship recipient.
  • A notice of the scholarship competition, including the names of the cooperation partners, is published in the magazine Mente et Manu, on the website of the TalTech Development Fund, in the weekly newsletter TalTech Student Life and in at least one national daily newspaper. Also, we organize all additional communication to students.
  • Students, junior researchers and lecturers can apply for scholarships within one month by submitting the application documents required in the statute.
  • We collect the application documents that comply with the requirements and submit the documents to the cooperation partner for selecting the scholarship recipient.
  • The cooperation partner selects the scholarship recipient based on the application documents.
  • The cooperation partners award the scholarships to scholarship recipients at a festive ceremony held in Tallinn University of Technology. The Rector welcomes and expresses his thanks on behalf of the university.  A reception for the scholarship recipients and cooperation partners takes place after the ceremony.  The names of the scholarship recipients and cooperation partners are published in a national daily newspaper, on the TalTech website and on social media.

According to the guidelines of the Board of the TalTech Development Fund, the recommended amounts of scholarships are the following: á 2000 euros in bachelor's studies, á 3000 euros in master's studies and á 5000 euros in doctoral studies. The foundation TalTech Development Fund is included in the Government's list of non-profit associations and foundations benefiting from income tax incentives.

How to get started?

  1. Please let us know if you are interested: arengufond@taltech.ee
  2. Let's discuss your wishes and find a suitable solution!


Over the years TalTech Developemnt Fund has close to 60 partners who almost annually contribute and support TalTech talented students, junior researchers and lecturers. Thank you all partners. We are delighted to work with you and see how much you are willing to contribute into youth and their development. 

Continuing supporter, please let us know if you are willing to take part of this year´s autumn scholarship competition. For that write arengufond@taltech.ee 

Private persons
  • Alexander Kofkin
  • Endel Palla
  • Estonian Ecumenical Relief Organisation
  • Kärt Kirso
  • Mare Teichmann
  • Olaf Herman
  • Ruth Oltjer
  • Tiina Mõis
  • Toomas Luman
  • Toomas Tamm


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