Tallinn University of Technology

E-learning is a form of education that takes place partially or entirely through the use of digital technology. To support e-learning, an e-learning environment (preferably Moodle) is utilized.

At Tallinn University of Technology, a three-level e-learning standard has been developed to enhance digital learning.

The Educational Technology Center provides assistance in the planning and development of e-learning.

E-support is the reflection of the learning process of a course presented in the e-environment, which supports the acquisition of learning outcomes related to the course and includes the following components:

Organizational aspects of the course (references to learning outcomes, action plan, assessment criteria, feedback)

  • Learning materials (e.g., summary, links to textbooks/sources)
  • Self-assessment tools (e.g., tests, review questions, problem-solving tasks)
  • Feedback opportunities with the instructor (announcements, interim assessments) and fellow students (e.g., forum, chat, etc.)
  • The course information system (ÕIS) should include a link to the e-support along with registration information (password/key). The e-support, in turn, should have a link to the course information system.

For creating e-support, we recommend using the Moodle e-learning environment at https://moodle.taltech.ee

E-support for compulsory courses

One of the objectives outlined in the "Development Plan of Tallinn University of Technology 2020" was to establish e-support for all mandatory courses in the first and second-level study programs.

At least once used in the learning process and receiving positive feedback from students, it is possible to apply for the level II e-support. A quality-labelled e-course includes level 1 components and meets the following conditions:

Organizational information:

  • The objectives and learner-centred learning outcomes are formulated (e.g., familiarity with strategic marketing terminology).
  • The necessary prerequisites and skills for participating in the course are provided to learners (the target audience is described).
  • The learning materials and activities correspond to the course volume.
  • A comprehensive and complete learning guide or extended syllabus is included, providing an overview of both e-learning and classroom instruction.
  • The (planned) schedule is followed.
  • Technical and pedagogical support is provided (contact persons are specified in the course).


  • The learning activities and assessment principles align with the course learning outcomes.
  • Principles of assessment and feedback are provided to learners.
  • Systematic feedback is given to learners throughout the course regarding their overall progress and strengths and weaknesses in the course.
  • Learners are informed of the learning outcomes (grades, points) using the Moodle grading sheet.
  • Active learner participation in the learning process is supported, encouraging communication among learners and instructors (e.g., chat, Fleep, Teams, Discord, etc.).
  • The development of learning skills is supported (learners are guided in reflecting on their learning, developing time management skills, etc.).

Learning materials:

  • Appropriate media (e.g., text, images, animations, audio, video, etc.) are used in presenting the learning materials.
  • The learning materials adhere to good practices in creating digital learning materials (links work, outdated software is not used).
  • Technological tools support the implementation of the learning process.
  • The learning materials reference works by other authors that have been used for illustrating the course and developing the learning materials.

Technical aspects and structure:

  • The course is well-structured and user-friendly.
  • The course is technically functional (links open, necessary tools work, online literature referenced is accessible).
  • Learners are not required to purchase additional paid software.

The TalTechDigital e-course includes components from levels 1 and 2 and meets the following criteria:

  • It is partially or fully completed in an e-learning environment.
  • It includes various multimedia solutions such as instructional videos, lecture recordings, interactive learning materials, etc.
  • Learner knowledge is assessed in the e-learning environment.
  • The average rating of learner feedback for the course is higher than 4.0 (based on student feedback in the student information system).
  • Valid for 3 years. Certificates are issued continuously based on applications submitted to the Educational Technology Center. The feedback from the previous year's student information system is taken into account.

Based on the learning materials and assignments of TalTech Digital courses, 100% online continuing education courses (including MOOCs and LOOCs) can be created later.

Please contact the Educational Technology Center for an application. Valid for 3 years.

How to open a new Moodle course?

Please use the MOIS integration to create a new Moodle course.