Tallinn University of Technology

Take TOEFL® Practice Online

The EducationUSA is offering an opportunity to take TOEFL Complete Practice Test on-line. The test evaluates speaking, listening, writing and reading skills and is a valuable tool for getting a hands-on experience with the "real" test as well as evaluating one's English.

The TOEFL practice test can be taken online at http://toefl.startpractice.com. A password is required to access the test, which is sold for 35 euros. The password grants one opportunity to pass the whole practice test.

You can order the password by sending us an e-mail and using a money transfer with the following details:
Beneficiary: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool
Account nr: EE741010052037537005
Explanation: "S-146 TOEFL Complete Practice Test On-line" followed by your name.

It is also possible to buy the password at the EducationUSA Advising center.

Before taking the practice test, read the User Guide!

System requirements for taking the test:

Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/Vista (will not work under Linux, OS/X, etc!)
Browser: Internet Explorer (6.0 or newer; will not work in Firefox or any other browser)
Turned on speakers/earphones and a microphone
Internet Explorer plugin "Audio Browser" must be installed prior to taking the test (installation requires administrator privileges)

System compatibility can be checked at the TOEFL Practice Online site http://toefl.startpractice.com/
EducationUSA Advising Center will not be responsible for failures caused by using an incompatible computer!