In addition to individuals who are beginning graduate or professional study, many mid-career scholars travel to the United States to participate in postdoctoral research, to lecture, to consult, or to gain additional training.
Universities differ greatly from one another in the level of their dedication to research. Research and scholarly activity also take place in many kinds of institutions besides universities. Visiting scholars, researchers, and faculty often come to the United States to work in private or public research centers or in hospitals. Visiting scholars may find they have fewer
distractions from their projects in institutions dedicated entirely to research as compared with academic institutions.
University Invitational Positions:
University departments often have invitational positions, usually to be held for one year, for visiting scholars, researchers, or lecturers. If you have an outstanding reputation as a researcher or have your own professional contacts with U.S. faculty, you may be able to arrange a special invitational position. Under these arrangements, the U.S. university normally provides a salary and sometimes provides research facilities. In some countries,
there are agencies that claim to be able to find invitational positions for scholars, but these are rarely effective.