MindChip developed solutions for electricity, electronics and navigation systems, and also the software that makes the ship autonomous. That specific ship is looking into fish supplies, but in the future similar ships can do many things.
The uses include mapping out the seabed, deliveries between island and mainland, monitoring underwater infrastructure or looking for mines.
Mihhail Zautin, a bachelor's student in the field of electrical energy and mechatronics, contributed both theoretically and practically to the Erasmus project. The project aimes to introduce environmentally conscious employment opportunities to young people, in specific Zautin addressed the opportunities in the field of drone pilots. Read more
Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department is organizing together with Tallinn University of Technology (Taltech) a seminar on sustainable urban lighting with special focus on light pollution.
17th International Conference on Compatibility, Power Electronics and Power Engineering is a flagship event of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society in the fields of power electronics, renewable energy integration, power generation, transmission and distribution, electro-mechanical energy conversion, automation, and EMC/EMI issues.
Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia are starting to ramp up offshore wind farms: On 30 August 2022 the
Heads of Governments and Energy Ministers of the eight countries around the Baltic Sea met in
Copenhagen. They committed to new volumes for the build-out of offshore wind in the Baltic Sea. In
September this year a first auction will be held in Estonia. There is a huge demand for local
professionals, especially for engineers in the coming years.
There is plenty of public discussion about the so-called ‘high electricity capacity’ that is moving through Elering’s grids and is seen as a priority. Less is said about the distribution networks that bring this electricity to our homes, even though it is the latter that determine the quality of everyday supply of electricity, writes the research portal Novaator.
Estonia’s energy sector is at a stage where we are facing a number of choices and challenges that require quick decisions, but it is also important to keep the focus on long-term strategies and targets.
The Estonian energy sector has historically been dependent on fossil fuel, es-pecially oil shale. In today’s world, their share is clearly declining.
The target set by the Energy Sector Organisation Act to cover the country’s elect-ricity consumption with renewable energy production by 2030 requires storage capacity, managed generation and consumption management.
Dmitri Vinnikov, Academician and the Head of Power Electronics Group of the Department of Electrical power engineering and mechatronics of TalTech, was elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the design and industrial application impedance-source converters.
At TalTech, researchers have studied the nature of energy cooperatives, possible business models, and their feasibility. As a result, they concluded that an energy cooperative can create a significant proportion of the power consumed at local municipalities from renewable sources with minimal expenses, reduce the need for centrally produced electricity, increase awareness among the citizens and public officials about energy issues, and provide an alternative to individual small producers and major producers.
Andrii Chub is a power electronics scientist. He is a joyful man. He is from Ukraine. Chub works for the future: he is developing future converters for future houses, finding better ways for electric energy conversion.