Estonian Maritime Academy has a vast network of co-operation partners all over the world. We are a reliable partner in many reserach and development projects as well as a contributing partner in several international organizations. Estonian Maritime Academy is a member of the following international associations and organizations. We are always open to co-operation proposals and would like to hear from you.
IAMU (International Associations of Maritime Universities)
IAMU was founded by seven universities representing the five continents of the world in November, 1999, with a shared recognition of significance of maritime education and training in the rapid globalization of the international shipping arena. Since then, IAMU has significantly expanded its membership, and now boasts 58 universities/academies/faculties of the world’s maritime education and training institutions, and The Nippon Foundation as its members, totaling 59 altogether. Estonian Maritime Academy became a member in 2008.
IAMU official homepage here
BIMCO (Baltic and International Maritime Consultative Organization)
BIMCO is the world’s largest international shipping association, with more than 2,200 members globally. BIMCO’s core objective is to facilitate the commercial operations of its’ members by developing standard contracts and clauses, and providing quality information, advice and education. By being a member of BIMCO, EMARA TUT can use professional literature and training manual collections, as well as take part in BIMCO training sessions in favourable conditions. Estonian Maritime Academy became a member in 2014.
BIMCO official homepage here
THS UK (The Hydrographic Society UK)
The Hydrographic Society UK is learned proffecional society that aims to provide members with a range of relevant support and valued specialist services. It endeavours to raise awareness of the science of surveying at sea, and protect and promote the status of the profession.
THS UK provides a local, national and international focus for the discipline, and seek to advance the education and training of practitioners and those engaged in the study of hydrography and related subjects. Membership of The Hydrographic Society UK is global and broadly based, being drawn from approximately 45 countries. Estonian Maritime Academy became a member in 2015.
The Hydrographic Society UK official homepage here
IASST (International Association for Safety and Survival Training)
The IASST is an association of safety and survival training organizations whose mission is to facilitate the exchange of information on matters relating to safety in the maritime environment and to promote continuous improvement in safety and survival training internationally.
The IASST aims to improve safety and survival training by sharing of best practice information between its members. Estonian Maritime Academy became a member of the IASST in 2014 and therefore is one of 150 members’ of the associations.
IASST official homepage here
Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, promotes, coordinates and develops European border management in line with the EU fundamental rights charter and the concept of Integrated Border Management.
To help identify migratory patterns as well as trends in cross-border criminal activities, Frontex analyses data related to the situation at and beyond EU’s external borders. It monitors the situation at the borders and helps border authorities to share information with Member States. The agency also carries out vulnerability assessments to evaluate the capacity and readiness of each Member State to face challenges at its external borders, including migratory pressure.
FRONTEX official homepage here