112 - Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance
112 Police, Fire Brigade, Ambulance
When calling say what happened, where (address), who is calling.
The Police Stations in Tallinn, if you want to report a crime:
Rahumäe tee 6/1 (nearest to TalTech, easy to go by bus no 23, stop Energia)
M-F 9.00-17.00
Kolde pst 65 (bus no 33 from TalTech to stop Kolde pst)
M-F 9.00-17.00
P. Pinna 4 (Lasnamäe)
M-F 9.00-17.00
Client Information line +372 612 3000 (Monday to Friday 8.00-19.00)
Police consultation and advice, questions if you do not know, whom to turn to pohja@politsei.ee
P.S Please ensure your behavior remains respectful and considerate.
Drinking alcohol in public places is not allowed.
Drugs are illegal.
If any of your friends is missing, inform immediately Police.
Health insurance rights in the European Union.
The European Health Insurance Card (EHIF) is a free card that gives the citizens of EU Member States access to medically necessary state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 28 EU countries, Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway and Switzerland, under the same conditions and the same cost (free in some countries) as people insured in that country. Cards are issued by your national health insurance provider.
The European Health Insurance Card:
- Is not alternative to travel insurance. It does not cover any private healthcare or costs, such as a return flight to your home country or lost/stolen property
- Does not cover your costs if you are travelling for the express purpose of obtaining medical treatment
- Does not guarantee free services. As each country’s healthcare system is different, services that cost nothing at home might expensive in another country
When you move your primary residence to another country, you should register with the S1 form and deregister from the previous health system instead of using the EHIF to receive medical care in your new country of habitual residence.
There are two types of health insurance in Estonia: EHIF coverage and private insurance. Some companies, mentioned in Estonian Health Board Brochure are pointed out here:
INGES: www.inges.ee/en
ERGO: www.ergo.ee/en
Salva: https://www.salva.ee/en
Swisscare: www.swisscare.com
Cigna: www.cignaglobal.com
If you are a non-EU citizen you have to have an health insurance contract guaranteeing any costs related to your medical treatment as a result of illness or injury during the study periodt. An alien who has been granted a visa is not covered by Estonian health insurance.
TalTech doesn't offer any kind of insurance.
Doctors in Tallinn
Free doctor’s info line no 1220 from 15:00-16:00 daily in English
After the first signs of any health problem, we suggest that you start searching assistance from the Pharmacies . Pharmacy is Apteek in Estonian. You can find them almost in the every bigger shopping center.
Family doctor:
To register your family doctor, you must submit a signed application to the doctor you have chosen. The application will be reviewed within 7 days, after which the selected family doctor will let you know if you have been accepted to the doctor’s list. After the doctor has confirmed accepting you, you are officially registered with the clinic starting from the first date of the following month. More information you find at this web site.
As it takes time to find the family doctor and then to get the appointment, we recommend private hospitals and clinics:
Some companies, mentioned in Estonian Health Board Brochure are pointed out here:
Fertilitas – www.Fertilitas.ee
Meliva – https://meliva.ee/
Sinu Arst – www.sinuarst.ee
Confido – www.confido.ee
Valvekliinik - https://valvekliinik.ee/en/medical-services/
The Emergency number in Estonia is 112.
In case of urgent psychiatric issues, please turn to:
SA PERH Psühhiaatriakliinik, Paldiski mint 52, phone no 617 2650
Family Doctor or Emergency Room?
Everyone wants to know, where to turn for the quickest help in the event of an unexpected health problem. The initial care needed can be given by a family doctor or nurse at your own family clinic. The Emergency Room at a hospital offer unavoidable care, which is medical care that must be given immediately to avoid permanent injury or death. The waiting time with not so serious problems could be for hours.
Emergency center at Mustamäe
The emergency center is not far from TalTech's campus. Go by Trolley no 3 to Lepistiku stop and go directly through the park. Behind the Magistrali shopping centre and block houses, there is a big hospital. The Entrance to Emergency Center is behind the hospital building. Address is J. Sütiste tee 19. Open 24/7. There is a mandatory 5 EUR fee with EU health card. Therefore, please take your insurance card with you. Please ask the invoice for your insurance company.
Emergency Center in the City Centre
East-Tallinn Central Hospital, Ravi street 18 (across the street of hotel Olümpia). Closer to students who live at Endla 4.
There are generally less people who need help and they may check you faster that at Mustamäe, where you can wait for hours.
Emergency Centre is located also at Paldiski mnt 68.
Dentistry is an expensive service in Estonia (nothing will be covered by the Health Insurance Fund in Estonia), so you have to pay for it yourself.
All dentistry offices in Tallinn
The only dentist office open every day:
In this case, please turn to the dentist as early as possible in the morning, there are only 25 places for emergency cases daily.
Tallinna Hambapolikliinik
Toompuiestee 4, Tallinn
Customer Service 612 1200
Opening hours:
Mo-Fr 8:00-20:00
Sa 9:00-16:00 (first aid only)
Su 9:00-15:00 (first aid only)
Go there by Trolley no 3, stop Tõnismägi. Not far from Endla 4 hostel.
Sending Medical Products
It is prohibited to send anabolic steroids, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, full blood and blood components, cells and tissues for medicinal use and advanced therapy medicinal products. Medicinal products may be sent to foreign countries or to Estonia only if the sender and the recipient are both natural persons. The medicinal products must be in the manufacturer’s packaging.
You will need a permit from the State Agency of Medicines for sending of medicinal products if one parcel contains more than five unopened retail packages or the package size of one medicinal product exceeds the following:
- 200 tablets or capsules
- 500 grams of powder for solution
- 500 millilitres of solution for infusion or oral solution
- 30 ampoules or vials of injectable dosage forms
- 200 ml or 200 g of medicinal products for external use
- 200 doses of inhalation preparations
- 10 units of medicated plasters
- 50 grams of homeopathic granules