Tallinn University of Technology

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Green Maritime Technology

Aim is the implementation of the principles and strategies declared by regulatory and policy-making bodies (such as IMO, HELCOM, the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and international agreements on sustainable development) regarding various marine vehicles, especially focusing on high speed crafts. 

The main research studies of the research group are divided into four fields:

  1. Safety: The main focus is the development of methods for reducing the effect of HSC motion for the crew and on-board systems
  2. Emission Reduction: This field focuses on fuel-efficient hull forms, optimization and zero-emission propulsion systems. 
  3. Smartization: The focus is on smart ship design
  4. Hydrodynamics of Marine Vehicles: Enhancing hydrodynamic efficiency is in focus when working on solutions to enhance resistance and propulsion

Members of the research group: Jakub Jerzy Montewka, Rasul Niazmand BilandiFatemeh Roshan