Photo by Sander Remme.
EU students have to sign out from Tallinn:
- When you added your departure date to the registration document, your work is done!
- Visit any City District Government Office in Tallinn and fill in the same document, (example, blank document) you filled in once you arrived. Now from Estonia to home. Minimum required information: where are you going; Country and city or region, Estonian ID,signature to the second page. In the City District Office you may say the date, when you leave from Tallinn, they will delete your name from the Population Register at that date and you can use your Public Transportation Card until the airport.
- If you cannot go to to City District Government by yourself:
Print the document on both sides, fill it, sign it, make a copy of your valid identification document (ID card or passport) and bring or send together to Mobility Centre. I will take the documents to the City District Government, when the semester is finished. You have to fill the document by yourself. The application has to be original. If you cannot bring the documents to our office, please send these to:
Kerti Sönmez
Tallinn University of Technology
Mobility Centre
Ehitajate tee 5
19086, Tallinn
ESTONIA - Electronic version. Install ID-card software. You need ID card reader and you have to know your ID card PIN1(login) and PIN 2 (signature) for it (in the Library for example). Go to the web site and fill in the digital application.
Additional information at Tallinn's web page.