Tallinn University of Technology


Evaluation means external evaluation of research and development (R&D), which is carried out either as a regular evaluation for assessing the level of a field of research, or as a targeted evaluation for developing research policy and for obtaining the information necessary for organising of research and development in a field of science.

The results of evaluation and the accompanying assessments and recommendations, as a rule, are public.

Regular Evaluation

Upon a regular evaluation, the level of the research and development fields of the research and development institutions is assessed in periodical rounds, comparing it with the internationally recognised criteria. A regular evaluation round is carried out once every seven years simultaneously in all the research and development institutions that applied for evaluation. A regular evaluation is carried out by an evaluation committee that consists of foreign experts of different fields each of whom is a researcher recognised in their field and has experience in the evaluation of research and development. The 3-16-member evaluation committee is formed and its rules of procedure are established by a directive of the Minister of Education and Research.

The Minister of Education and Research approves, on the basis of a reasoned proposal of the evaluation committee, the decision of the regular evaluation to grant positive or negative evaluation to the R&D in the corresponding field at the research and development institution.

The period of validity of a positive decision of a regular evaluation is seven years and it gives the institution the right to apply for financing of its research and development activities from the state budget on the bases provided for in the Organisation of Research and Development Act.

Tallinn University of Technology participated in the regular R&D evaluation conducted in 2017 in all fields of science (natural sciences, engineering and technology, medical and health sciences, agricultural and veterinary sciences, social sciences, humanities and the arts) and received a positive evaluation in all fields.

The evaluation decision has been approved by the directive of the Minister of Education and Research of 22.08.2017 no. 213. The period of validity of a positive regular evaluation decision is seven years.

Targeted Evaluation

The Ministry of Education and Research has the right to organise, on its own initiative or on proposal of other ministries, targeted evaluations for preparing field development plans that guide research and development or other research policy decisions and measures, or for assessing and analysing the impact and implementation thereof.

A targeted evaluation is organised in one or several fields of research and development.

The themes and participants of a targeted evaluation, the persons who carry out the targeted evaluation and the specific procedure for the targeted evaluation are approved by a directive of the Minister of Education and Research and, in the event where the targeted evaluation concerns the area of administration of another ministry, in coordination with the corresponding ministry.

Tallinn University of Technology has participated in the following targeted R&D evaluations:

More information on the Estonian Research Council´s website R&D Evaluation