Tallinn University of Technology

EuroTeQ Engineering University will hold a public seminar “Educating responsible Professionals in Europe” on the 7th of July. Discuss with us how future engineers are best equipped for the ever changing needs of the European job market and our society.

The future holds opportunities and challenges for engineers in Europe: digitalization, climate change and the need for sustainable innovation. But how can we ensure that today’s students and professionals are equipped for the ever changing needs of the European job market and our society. Together with stakeholders from inside and outside the university, we will discuss how the EuroTeQ Engineering University can initiate co-creative processes that ensure the alignment between challenges and skills for a prosperous Europe.   

Key Note Speaker
Klaus Köhler, Head of Personnel Development, Recruiting and Qualification at BMW Group
Prof. Isabelle Reymen, Scientific Director of TU/e Innovation Space at Eindhoven University of Technology

Joined on panel by high-level speaker from the European Commission (tbc)

Learn more and register

The Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) is participating in the EuroTeQ Engineering University project together with a number of leading European technology universities (Technical University of Munich, Eindhoven University of Technology, Technical University of Denmark, École Polytechnique, Czech Technical University in Prague, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), and Technion). The collaborative project will strengthen the links between teaching, research, innovation, and knowledge transfer through the recognition of common qualifications and degrees (including microdegrees). It will also provide an opportunity to establish collaboration projects with international enterprises such as BMW, Siemens, Ubisoft, etc. Read more about EuroTeQ in the internal portal.

EuroTeQ Engineering University project is co-financed by the EU's Erasmus+ programme

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