Tallinn University of Technology

International Open Access Week is held from 24-30 October and its aim is to introduce and increase the use and publication of open access scientific information. TalTech Library takes part of the initiative for the first time. The libraries of Tartu University, Estonian University of Life Sciences and Tallinn University also participate in the Open Access Week. 

open access

We will open an information corner at the entrance to the library during the week, where you can familiarize yourself with materials about the following services and platforms: 

  • DataCite and repositories 

  • Open access and citizen science 

  • Open science and data management 

  • Digitalisation and accessibility 

  • European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) 

NB! Specialists in open science and data management are waiting everyone interested in the information corner at the entrance of the library for consultation every day from 13:00 to 14:00. In addition, we have planned the most trainings on Tuesday. 

This year's theme “Open for Climate Justice” clearly points to the fact that the climate crisis has far-reaching consequences. According to the UN, this is not yet universally understood and is an obstacle to addressing climate issues. Sharing knowledge is a human right and fighting the climate crisis requires rapid exchange of knowledge. Open access to scientific results creates opportunities for more equitable sharing and handling of knowledge, thereby helping to shape the understanding of the impacts of climate change and guide us to concrete actions. 


24 October:  DataCite, TalTechData
                       at 13.00 - 14.00, in the information corner at the entrance of the library

25 October:  Google & scientific information search engine Google Scholar: search tips
                       at 11.30-12.00, room LIB-217
                       Open access publishing in TalTech
                       at 12.00-12.30, MS Teams or room LIB-217
                       Open access, Citizen science 
                       at 13.00-14.00, in the information corner at the entrance of the library
Webinar of the citizen science project LibOCS
                       at 15.00-16.30, web

26 October:  Open science and data management
                       at 13.00-14.00, in the information corner at the entrance of the library

27 October:  EODOPEN, digitalisation in TalTech Library
                       at 13.00-14.00, in the information corner at the entrance of the library

28 October:  EOSC (European Open Science Cloud)
                       at 13.00-14.00, in the information corner at the entrance of the library

Throughout the week – campaign Give new life to your poster!
Send your research poster to us or publish it in TalTechData 
