Tallinn University of Technology

Open Access Week 2024

open access week 2024

From October 21st to 27th, the International Open Access Week will once again take place, aiming to promote the use and publication of open-access scientific information. This year's theme continues to be Community over Commercialisation, prioritizing the interests of the public and the academic community.

During Open Access Week, the library will host various training sessions:

October 21–25, 12:00: Information on Open Science – near the library entrance

October 21, 14:00: Scientific Data and Data Management – A part of Open Science. The training will cover scientific data management. Register via the TalTech's training calendar or by email. Contact: Janelle Kirss, janelle.kirss@taltech.ee

October 22, 14:00: How to Find a Suitable (Open Access) Journal for Publishing? Quartiles, classifiers, data journals, and data articles. Register via the TalTech's training calendar or by email. Contact: Piret Remmelgas, piret.remmelgas@taltech.ee

October 23, 14:00: Open Science Policies/Introduction to the Policies of Different Universities/Citizen Science, Including European Research Policy and Horizon Europe Programme. Register by email. Contact: Janelle Kirss, janelle.kirss@taltech.ee

October 24, 14:00: Visibility of Researchers and Science in the (Open) Scientific World. Register via the TalTech's training calendar or by email. Contact: Mirjam Piik, mirjam.piik@taltech.ee.

October 25, 14:00: TalTech University Repository TalTechData. Register via the TalTech's training calendar or by email. Contact: Janelle Kirss, janelle.kirss@taltech.ee

October 25, 15:00: TalTech University Repository TalTechData (in English). Register via the TalTech's training calendar or by email. Contact: Janelle Kirss, janelle.kirss@taltech.ee

The training sessions will be held in Estonian and take place in the library, room LIB-522. You can also participate via MS Teams.
For more information, please contact: Signe Jantson, tel. 6203551, signe.jantson@taltech.ee

Open Science in TalTech

The purpose of open science movement is to make scientific research and its results visible, reproducible and reusable. Tallinn University of Technology encourages its researchers to use the principles of open science in their work. The university library advises and offers consultations in the areas of research data management, open access publishing, and other matters related to open science.

Tallinn University of Technology Library’s activities for making the university’s research output publicly accessible dates back to the 1960s, when the library first started to collect information about the publications of the university’s academic staff. A database for all publications by the university’s employees has been kept since 1994, listing both the publications and the sources where the works can be accessed.

Since 2006, we have been connected to ETIS and confirming TalTech publications.

In 2016, we joined DataCite and that marked the beginning of our data management-related activities.

In 2021, we opened the repository of Tallinn University of Technology, TalTechData, which provides our researchers with a place to store their research data, publications, and other research-related material.


  • data management plans, management of research data

  • persistent identifiers (ORCID, DOI)

  • metadata

  • licences

  • repositories

  • journal impact factor (IF, Q)

  • classifications in ETIS

  • publishing in scientific journals

Research data storage and publishing

Members of Tallinn University of Technology can upload their research material in the research data repository TalTechData. The repository can be used by anyone.

Research data and data management competence centre

The research data and data management competence centre was created in 2020 in cooperation of TalTech Library and HPC Centre (taltech.ee).

The tasks of the competence centre are:

  • ensuring the visibility, reproducibility, and reusability of the university’s research output;

  • advising on research data management, open access publishing, and other topics related to open science;

  • developing the data repository.

Signe Jantson, Head Bibliographer, Head of Division, signe.jantson@taltech.ee, 6203551
Janelle Kirss, Head Bibliographer of Data Management, janelle.kirss@taltech.ee, 6203551
Piret Remmelgas, Publishing Specialist, piret.remmelgas@taltech.ee, 6203551

Repository, data storage

Lauri Anton, Head of HPC Centre, hpcsupport@taltech.ee, 6285868
Rainer Liis, HPC Centre
Martin Jantson, HPC Centre

Citizen science project LibOCS

Project LibOCS: University libraries strengthening the academia-society connection through citizen science in the Baltics is funded by Erasmus+ for years 2022–2024. The aim of the project is to increase the knowledge of librarians in the Baltic research libraries in order to raise their awareness about open and citizen science and facilitate cooperation between the academia and society.

Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian libraries are represented in the project. Tallinn University of Technology Library is participating as one of the research libraries in Estonia together with the University of Tartu Library.

Read more about LibOCS at the project’s website https://www.libocs.ut.ee/

Past Events

DataCite Estonia Open Science Event "Open Science ABC"

Location: University of Tartu Library Conference Hall
Date:  June 4, 2024
Time: 12:00 - 16:30
Language: Estonian, English 

The DataCite Estonia Consortium is organizing an information event titled "Open Science ABC" on Tuesday, June 4, starting at 12:00 at the University of Tartu Library Conference Hall.

The agenda is based on the five Open Science principles adopted by the universities' rectors of Enlight network in November 2023. In Europe, established principles and requirements exist for sharing and reusing research results. To effectively implement Open Science, researchers should know how to share their research findings, data, and methodology on open platforms and apply the principles of open science in their daily work. 

Participants in the information event will receive an overview of the latest developments, principles of Open Science, and opportunities for their implementation.

Register here


12:00 - 12:10 Opening words. Mari Moora, Vice-Rector for Research, University of Tartu  

12:10 - 12:25 Principles of Open Science. Liisi Lembinen, Director of Development, University of Tartu Library  

12:25 - 12:50 Open Research Europe. Kelly Woods, F1000 (online, in English)  

12:50 - 13:15 Open Educational Resources. Chahira Nouira, University of Göttingen (online, in English)  

13:15 - 13:45 Coffee break, participants can learn about open science activities in Estonia in front of the Conference Hall.  

13:45 - 14:00 Various Aspects of Open Access. Elena Sipria-Mironov, University of Tartu Library  

14:00 - 14:15 Open Access Agreements with Scientific Publishers. Marika Meltsas, ELNET  

14:15 - 14:35 Research Data and Data Management. Janelle Kirss, TalTech Library  

14:35 - 14:45 Stretch Break  

14:45 - 16:15 Workshop "ORCID and Other Academic Databases". Kalmer Lauk, University of Tartu Grant Office (a personal computer will be required for practical purposes) 

16.15-16.20 Closing of the event 

Everyone is welcome!


Open Access Week 2023

International Open Access Week is held from 23-29 October and its aim is to introduce and increase the use and publication of open access scientific information. On the initiative of DataCite Estonia, the libraries of Tallinn University of Technology, Tartu University, Estonian University of Life Sciences and Tallinn University introduce the possibilities of open access and open science.

Throughout the week, the library will have a traditional information desk open to visitors, providing materials about various open science services, projects and platforms, including:

EOSC (European Open Science Cloud)
DataCite Estonia

In addition, we will provide various trainings and a webinar.

2023 Open Access Week Theme: Community over Commercialisation

This topic encourages discussion about which open science approaches prioritize the best interests of the public and the academic community and which do not. To learn more about International Open Access Week, visit the openaccessweek.org website. The official Twitter hashtag of the week is #OAWeek.

On Wednesday, October 25th, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM, a webinar titled "Data Protection in Research" will take place in Zoom. The first speaker of the webinar, Marten Juurik (ERC/UT), will introduce the guide "Data Protection in Research". Toomas Lepik from TalTech will discuss information security and its connection to research. The final presentation will be given by Manolis Terrovitis (OpenAIRE), who will provide an overview of the anonymization tool Amnesia. The first two presentations will be in Estonian, while the last one will be in English. Please register for the webinar HERE.


23 October

Opening Open Access Week and information desk
DataCite, EOSC, TalTechData, research visibility

15:30 Training: Visibility of the researcher and science in the (open) (science) world
The training is in Estonian. Participate in room LIB-522 or via MS Teams. Presenter Mirjam Piik.
Register here

24 October

15:30 Training: How to find a suitable scientific journal for publication (open access)?
Quartiles and classifications, data journals and data articles.
The training is in Estonian. Participate in room LIB-522 or via MS Teams. Presenter Piret Remmelgas.
Register here

25 October

During the Open Access Week (23-27.10), we invite researchers, doctoral students, research administrators, librarians, and other interested parties to the webinar “Data protection in Research”. The event will take place on 25 October from 13.00-14.30 in the Zoom environment.

The webinar will feature three presentations, two of which will be in Estonian, and one in English. The presentations will cover the following topics: Introduction to the “Data Protection in Research” guide (Marten Juurik, ETAG/UT), information security and its relevance to research (Toomas Lepik, TalTech) and introduction to the anonymization tool, Amnesia (Manolis Terrovitis, OpenAIRE – starting at 14.00 in English).

The event is organized by DataCite Estonia, OpenAIRE Estonian NOAD ja RDA Estonia.


The educational material for TalTech members "Ethical people in an ethical university". The purpose of the material is to unify the university family's understanding of academic integrity, ethical teaching, ethics in research and management. Project leaders: Birgy Lorenz and Aive Pevkur from TalTech Academic Ethics Committee.


To enter, register as a learner using the code: rakett69

Below you will find three courses in English or Estonian:
Fair Play is aimed at learners to introduce the principles of academic honesty (3 hours).
Hey scientist! is a course for researchers to make your activity as a researcher ethical (6 hours).
Ethical Organization is an inside look at ethics for all employees of our university incl. lecturers and leadership (3 hours).

26 October

15:30 Training: Research data and data management – part of the open science world
The training will address the general principles of research data management.
The training is in Estonian. Participate in room LIB-522 or via MS Teams. Presenter Janelle Kirss.
Register here

27 October

End of Open Access Week

12.00 Tour: Move in the library! Open and closed accesses as part of the Year of Movement, Library Days and TalTech’s Open Access Week – a tour of the library starting at 12.00 at the library entrance. Presenter Katri Mägi. 

14:00 Training: TalTechData
Introduction to using the Data Repository of Tallinn University of Technology.
The training is in Estonian. Participate in room LIB-522 or via MS Teams.
Register here

For additional information and questions about the week please write at signe.jantson@taltech.ee

Seminar 'Open Science and Data Management - Mandatory and/or Beneficial?'

Open Science and Data Management 2023

The DataCite Estonian consortium will organise a seminar on Friday, May 5, at 11.00 at Tallinn University of Technology, aiming to inform researchers about the importance of Open Science and research data management and to share practical advice for better management of research work and projects.

The seminar will focus on the requirements and principles of Open Science and research data management, including the methods of collecting, documenting, and sharing data, archiving, and the ethical aspects. In addition, relevant practices and services provided by universities will be presented.

At the seminar, experts from the universities of Leiden, Göttingen and Helsinki will talk about the principles of Open Science and the possibilities and practices of research data management. The Estonian view and experiences will be presented by the representatives of the Estonian Research Council, the participating universities, and the DataCite Estonia Consortium. All researchers, doctoral students, and supporting specialists for whom the implementation of the principles of Open Science is important from the point of view of the future are invited to the event.

The schedule of the seminar will be announced soon.

It is possible to participate in the seminar onsite or online.

Register to participate online

Avatud teadus ja andmehaldus kava 2023

International Open Access Week 24-30 October 2022

Open Access Week 2022

International Open Access Week is held from 24-30 October and its aim is to introduce and increase the use and publication of open access scientific information. TalTech Library takes part of the initiative for the first time. The libraries of Tartu University, Estonian University of Life Sciences and Tallinn University also participate in the Open Access Week. 

We will open an information corner at the entrance to the library during the week, where you can familiarize yourself with materials about the following services and platforms: 

  • DataCite and repositories 

  • Open access and citizen science 

  • Open science and data management 

  • Digitalisation and accessibility 

  • European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) 

NB! Specialists in open science and data management are waiting everyone interested in the information corner at the entrance of the library for consultation every day from 13:00 to 14:00. In addition, we have planned the most trainings on Tuesday. 

This year's theme “Open for Climate Justice” clearly points to the fact that the climate crisis has far-reaching consequences. According to the UN, this is not yet universally understood and is an obstacle to addressing climate issues. Sharing knowledge is a human right and fighting the climate crisis requires rapid exchange of knowledge. Open access to scientific results creates opportunities for more equitable sharing and handling of knowledge, thereby helping to shape the understanding of the impacts of climate change and guide us to concrete actions. 


24 October:  DataCite, TalTechData
                       at 13.00 - 14.00, in the information corner at the entrance of the library

25 October:  Google & scientific information search engine Google Scholar: search tips
                       at 11.30-12.00, room LIB-217
                       Open access publishing in TalTech
                       at 12.00-12.30, MS Teams or room LIB-217
                       Open access, Citizen science 
                       at 13.00-14.00, in the information corner at the entrance of the library
Webinar of the citizen science project LibOCS
                       at 15.00-16.30, web

26 October:  Open science and data management
                       at 13.00-14.00, in the information corner at the entrance of the library

27 October:  EODOPEN, digitalisation in TalTech Library
                       at 13.00-14.00, in the information corner at the entrance of the library

28 October:  EOSC (European Open Science Cloud)
                       at 13.00-14.00, in the information corner at the entrance of the library

Throughout the week – campaign Give new life to your poster!
Send your research poster to us or publish it in TalTechData


Collecting and preserving academic heritage

We are again inviting TalTech researchers, doctoral students and master's students who have introduced their research or poster presentations at conferences to store them in the university’s data repository TalTechData.

This is the next stage of collecting and preserving academic heritage. In the first stage, we focused on collecting research posters. In the second stage, we collected presentation files that have been kept on a flash drive or computer hard drive after the conference. Now we are collecting both research posters as well as presentations.

Both the presentation and poster, as the integral parts of today's scientific communication, are undoubtedly part of the academic heritage and worth preserving. By storing them in the repository, we can ensure that researchers, students, and all other interested parties will have access to the presentations and posters in the future.

The libraries of the University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, and Tallinn University have joined the campaign to make sure that our digital archives include as many materials by researchers and doctoral students working in Estonia as possible.

We hope that the library’s initiative will become a good practice and that the presentations will reach the repository of Tallinn University of Technology after the conferences.

Share your presentation

Dear researcher and doctoral student!

The Tallinn University of Technology library, in cooperation with other university libraries, has initiated a campaign to collect research papers "Share your presentation“ to store them in TalTechData, the research data repository of Tallinn University of Technology.

This is the next step in collecting and preserving academic heritage campaign. In the first stage, we focused on collecting research posters.

If you have presentation files that have been kept on a flash drive or computer hard drive after the conference, we would be grateful if you could upload them to TalTechData repository.

As an integral part of scientific communication, a conference presentation is undoubtedly a form of academic heritage that deserves to be preserved. By storing them in our digital archive, we can be sure that researchers, students, and all other interested people will have access to the presentations in the future.

It is very easy for the author to add the presentation file to the repository – just add the main metadata and upload the presentation there. Like theses, presentations are protected by a CC license. All uploaded presentations receive a DOI, or permanent reference, which makes it easier to use and refer to them in the future.

The University of Tartu Library, Estonian University of Life Sciences and Tallinn University libraries have also joined the campaign to collect as many presentations by researchers and post-graduates of the Estonian universities as possible.

We very much hope that the library's initiative will become a good practice and that after the conferences the presentations will reach our repository.

Add your presentation to TalTechData today!

We also continue to collect research posters!

Poster campaign

TalTech library invites all researchers, doctoral and master's students who have had poster presentations at scientific conferences to store the posters in the university's data repository TalTechData. With that initiative, we hope to implement the good practice of storing all posters in a designated place and with open access for everyone interested. 

“Posters are becoming more and more popular at conferences, because they are crucial for briefly conveying the content of a research presentation or for introducing some exciting scientific achievement,” said Lilian Neerut, one of the leaders of the campaign "Give a new life to a poster", head of the Department of Subject Librarians of the University of Tartu library. “But after the conference, the posters tend to be left unused in the drawer and the files on the computer's hard drive. However, they could live on and be educational or information material for others who are interested in the same topic." 

It is very easy for an author to submit a poster to the data repository – just upload the poster to TalTechData or send the poster file by email with its metadata (title, authors, conference name and venue, date of presentation). 

The collected posters are published under a CC license, and all interested parties can access them in the university's data repository TalTechData. To simplify referencing, all posters receive a permanent identifier DOI

The publication of posters should not remain a one-time activity; university researchers could continue to publish their posters in the university repository after attending conferences, because it is a part of the academic work that is worth preserving. 

Janelle Kirss, Head Bibliographer of Data Management, janelle.kirss@taltech.ee
Signe Jantson, Head Bibliographer, signe.jantson@taltech.ee  

We are once again inviting TalTech researchers, doctoral and master's students to submit their research data to the TalTechData repository. Publishing your research data is an important opportunity to increase the value and visibility of your research. Don't miss it!

All conference presentations and poster presentations are also welcome. Give the presentation or poster left on your USB flash drive or computer a chance and submit it to the repository – it’s a way ensure that it is preserved and accessible to other researchers and interested parties in the future.