Tallinn University of Technology

HPC Centre

Taltech High Performance Computing Centre (HPC Centre) develops and manages the compute resources for scientific use. We manage two compute clusters and Cloud infrastructure. 

Uni-ID is used for user authentication. In order to get access to our resources, your Uni-ID has to be added to HPC users group. P​​​​​lease send the request to hpcsupport@taltech.ee or create a ticket in Helpdesk Portal

HPC Centre User Guides


HPC2 cluster base.hpc.taltech.ee

Our newest compute cluster with 32 nodes, installed in 2019. Computer jobs are handled through SLURM cluster manager. 
Each node has 

  • 2 x Intel Xeon Gold 6148 2.40 GHz (40 cores, 80 threads per node)
  • 96GB RAM
  • 25 Gb/s Ethernet
  • 800GB local scratch space in /state/partition1/ 

hpc2node1-hpc2node18 are connected to FDR InfiniBand interconnect.
There is 20TB of shared storage in /ceph/home

GPU server amp.hpc.taltech.ee

  • 2 x AMD EPYC 7742 (128 core, 256 threads per server)
  • 8 x Nvidia A100 GPU
  • 1TB mälu
  • 100Gb/s Ethernet

HPC1 cluster hpc.ttu.ee

Installed in 2013, originally with 232 nodes, about 100 remaining. Computer jobs are handled through SLURM cluster manager.
Each node has 

  • 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2630L
  • 48GB RAM
  • 1 Gb/s Ethernet
  • 800GB local scratch space in /state/partition1

There is 146TB of shared storage mounted to /home.
48 nodes are connected to QDR Infiniband interconnect

There is a large memory node with 1TB of RAM accessible through SLURM in mem1tb partition.

In addition, there is a GPU server with 2 Nvidia Tesla K20Xm GPUs. Usable also as a Visualization node (on displays :0.0 and :0.1)

OpenStack Cloud

Accessible thorough ETAIS self-service website https://minu.etais.ee/
4 compute (nova) nodes
65 TB CephFS storage (net capacity)
User guide: https://etais.ee/using

Price List

HPC Centre's Price List
Jrk nr Kirjeldus Ühik TalTechi üksustele (EUR) Väljaspoole TalTechi (EUR)**
1. Arvutusserverite kasutamine Tuumatund või 6GB mälutund* 0,006 0,012
2. GPU serveri kasutamine GPU-tund 0,2 0,5
3. Salvestusruumi kasutamine 1TB salvestusruumi aastas 20 80
4. Virtuaalserveri majutamine      
    Tuumatund 0,002 0,003
    1GB mälutund 0,001 0,0013

* Arvutustöö kulu arvestamise aluseks on see ressurss, mida kasutati rohkem. 
** Väljaspoole TalTechi lisandub hindadele käibemaks 20%. 

Hinnakiri kehtib ka üliõpilastele. Üliõpilastega seotud arved tasub teaduskond, kus üliõpilane õpib või instituut, kes vastavat õppeainet, tudengiprojekti või lõputööd kureerib. 

