HPC Centre
Taltech High Performance Computing Centre (HPC Centre) develops and manages the compute resources for scientific use. We manage two compute clusters and Cloud infrastructure.
Uni-ID is used for user authentication. In order to get access to our resources, your Uni-ID has to be added to HPC users group. Please send the request to hpcsupport@taltech.ee or create a ticket in Helpdesk Portal.
HPC2 cluster base.hpc.taltech.ee
Our newest compute cluster with 32 nodes, installed in 2019. Computer jobs are handled through SLURM cluster manager.
Each node has
- 2 x Intel Xeon Gold 6148 2.40 GHz (40 cores, 80 threads per node)
- 96GB RAM
- 25 Gb/s Ethernet
- 800GB local scratch space in /state/partition1/
hpc2node1-hpc2node18 are connected to FDR InfiniBand interconnect.
There is 20TB of shared storage in /ceph/home
GPU server amp.hpc.taltech.ee
- 2 x AMD EPYC 7742 (128 core, 256 threads per server)
- 8 x Nvidia A100 GPU
- 1TB mälu
- 100Gb/s Ethernet
HPC1 cluster hpc.ttu.ee
Installed in 2013, originally with 232 nodes, about 100 remaining. Computer jobs are handled through SLURM cluster manager.
Each node has
- 2 x Intel Xeon E5-2630L
- 48GB RAM
- 1 Gb/s Ethernet
- 800GB local scratch space in /state/partition1
There is 146TB of shared storage mounted to /home.
48 nodes are connected to QDR Infiniband interconnect
There is a large memory node with 1TB of RAM accessible through SLURM in mem1tb partition.
In addition, there is a GPU server with 2 Nvidia Tesla K20Xm GPUs. Usable also as a Visualization node (on displays :0.0 and :0.1)
OpenStack Cloud
Accessible thorough ETAIS self-service website https://minu.etais.ee/
4 compute (nova) nodes
65 TB CephFS storage (net capacity)
User guide: https://etais.ee/using
Price List
Jrk nr | Kirjeldus | Ühik | TalTechi üksustele (EUR) | Väljaspoole TalTechi (EUR)** |
1. | Arvutusserverite kasutamine | Tuumatund või 6GB mälutund* | 0,006 | 0,012 |
2. | GPU serveri kasutamine | GPU-tund | 0,2 | 0,5 |
3. | Salvestusruumi kasutamine | 1TB salvestusruumi aastas | 20 | 80 |
4. | Virtuaalserveri majutamine | |||
Tuumatund | 0,002 | 0,003 | ||
1GB mälutund | 0,001 | 0,0013 |
* Arvutustöö kulu arvestamise aluseks on see ressurss, mida kasutati rohkem.
** Väljaspoole TalTechi lisandub hindadele käibemaks 20%.
Hinnakiri kehtib ka üliõpilastele. Üliõpilastega seotud arved tasub teaduskond, kus üliõpilane õpib või instituut, kes vastavat õppeainet, tudengiprojekti või lõputööd kureerib.