Tallinn University of Technology

Table of Contents

General contact

IT College

Raja 4C
12616 Tallinn, Estonia
phone: (+372) 628 5800
fax: (+372) 628 5801
e-mail: info@itcollege.ee

How to arrive

TalTech IT College is located on the edge of Mustamäe in the campus of Tallinn University of Technology in the neighborhood of Tallinn Technology Park Tehnopol.  Here you will find a map of public transport  (select Public transport or Itinerary). The symbol of the IT College study building on the map of Tallinn University of Technology is ICO.


Kalle Tammemäe
room: ICO-513
e-mail: kalle.tammemae@taltech.ee
phone: (+372) 503 2844; (+372) 628 5850

Office Assistant

Katrin Aasma
room: ruum: ICO-510
e-mail: katrin.aasma@taltech.ee
phone: (+372) 628 5800

