Tallinn University of Technology

Research Data Repository

Data repositories are digital archives collecting, preserving, and making available research data and their metadata. Permalink is a comfortable means for linking and citing datasets. Publishing data in a research data repository helps to increase the number of research citations.

TalTech Data is a general-purpose open-access repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN. It allows researchers to deposit research papers, data sets, research software, reports, and any other research related digital artifacts. Research results can be found, referenced, and shared over a long period of time.

TalTech Data FAQ

Repositories are divided:

Data repositories are enrolled in registers

  • Re3data.org – Registry of Research Data Repositories  

  • OpenAIRE – Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe. Otsing.

  • OpenDOAR - The Directory of Academic Open Access Repositories 

  • ROAR - Registry of Open Access Repositories 

The quality badge Data Seal of Approval certifies the trustworthiness of a repository.  The list of repositories that have up to now been approved.