EuroTeQ course catalogue is now open and TalTech students have a chance to choose those e-learning subjects for autumn semester as visiting students from top European technical universities, which together with TalTech belong to the EuroTeQ Engineering University alliance. Apply by September 13.
Choose suitable courses from the EuroTeQ course catalogue.
Courses are offered by the following universities:
- Technical University of Munich – TUM (Germany)
- Eindhoven University of Technology – TU/e (The Netherlands)
- Technical University of Denmark – DTU (Denmark)
- Czech Technical University in Prague – CTU (Czech Republic)
- Israel Institute of Technology - Technion (Israel)
Steps to take the course(s):
- Choose suitable courses from the EuroTeQ course catalogue. You can choose up to 3 courses, which can be from different universities.
- Fill out the application for becoming a visiting student in OIS (Documents - Applications - Transfer to Visiting Student Place), indicating the courses you want to take from the host university. On the exchange programme line add ‘EuroTeQ’. Should you wish to take courses from different universities, you must make separate applications based on host university.
- After submitting the application in OIS, the Programme Director must confirm it within the system, giving their approval to your application.
- All applications that have been approved by the Programme Director by the deadline indicated above, will be included in the nomination to the host university. Shortly after the nomination, students will receive next steps to take directly from the host university by e-mail.
- Once you have completed your courses, you will need to prepare an APEL application in OIS to have the courses entered in your study record. Credits are awarded for completed courses in accordance with TalTech’s terms and procedures for recognising previous studies and professional experience. Read more at
For more information, please contact
The EuroTeQ Engineering University project is co-financed by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.