Tallinn University of Technology

14 December 2023 at 2:00 PM
Sidra Azmat Butt, "A Digital Collaborative Platform to Facilitate Innovative Solutions for the Silver Economy"

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dirk Draheim, Information Systems Group, Department of Software Science, School of Information Technologies, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia

Co-supervisor: Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Ingrid Pappel, Next Gen Digital State Research Group, Department of Software Science, School of Information  Technologies, Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia


  • Professor Il-Yeol Song, PhD, Drexel University, Philadelphia, United States of America
  • Doc. Dr. Tina Jukić, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia

As the world’s population ages, empowering the silver generation to participate in economic activities becomes highly imperative. This thesis investigates the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into the silver economy, scrutinizing technology readiness, knowledge resources, and ethical ramifications related to ICT adoption among silver generation. 
The thesis identifies barriers and challenges faced by the silver generation toward ICT adoption, and to overcome these challenges, a design science approach led to the creation of the Digital Silver Hub, a digital collaborative platform. Utilizing the generic Collective Intelligence (CI) framework, the co-creation process engaged quadruple helix actors from the Baltic Sea Region, tailoring the platform to the unique needs of each actor, especially the two age groups within the silver population, those aged 55-65 and those aged 65 and over. 
The development process involved rigorous research for requirement elicitation, expert validation, and comprehensive analysis through various qualitative research methods. System interactions were mapped out through user dialogue models, customer journeys were detailed, web implementation with basic features of the platforms was developed, and wireframes of the platform were constructed. The platform underwent thorough evaluation, ensuring alignment with stakeholder goals and adherence to user-centred evaluation principles outlined in ISO 9241-210. 
The Digital Silver Hub serves as an ecosystem to develop and accelerate the uptake of innovative solutions to the challenges faced by the silver generation. The findings of this study have important implications for policymakers, industry experts, and service providers involved in designing and implementing ICT solutions for the silver generation. The Digital Silver Hub serves as a template for other digital platforms targeting the silver generation. The primary objective is to enhance participation and encourage social and digital inclusion of the silver population. By linking theory with practical applications, this research contributes to the applicability and influence of ICT solutions, leading to the growth of the silver economy.

Join the public defence in Zoom

Meeting ID: 934 9295 2824
Passcode: 771064

Before the defence, starting at 10:00 a.m. Doc. Dr. Tina Jukić will give a presentation on "Digital Bridges: Enhancing Co-Creation in Public Administration through Innovative Stakeholder Engagement" and at 11:00 a.m. Professor Il-Yeol Song will give a presentation on "Smart Aging: Topics, Applications, and Agenda". The presentations will take place in room ICT-A1, you are welcome to listen!