Tallinn University of Technology

The next Research Seminar at the TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy, will take place on 14 June 2023 from 2:00PM - 4:00PM (EEST).

Professor Mikko Kiviharju will give a talk titled "Perspectives on the cyber security of artificial intelligence - authorities, theory and future". 


Artificial intelligence, which today manifests itself as different machine learning technologies, has moved from emergent technology to mainstream. This implies that machine learning is increasingly deployed in real-life operational systems as well as in groundbreaking new applications. It is then natural to ask the question, how can we set controls to these components so that they would not become the main conduit for the cyber attackers or - in the long run - evolve undesired characteristics unbeknownst to their users or to even their designers. In this talk we will consider these issues from three aspects: 1) How the authorities in Europe and Finland are viewing the situation, 2) What are the issues we are practically faced with, when trying to attack / protect machine learning implementations (for it is indeed the implementations of the AI that are under attack) and 3) What is (or should be) the role of research in providing answers to these difficult questions at least in the long run?


Dr. Mikko Kiviharju acts as a professor of practice in cyber security, a position shared by Aalto University and XAMK University of Applied Sciences in Kotka. Kiviharju has 20 years of background in information security, cryptography, hacking and mobile networks in the Finnish Defence Research Agency. His current focus area is the cyber security of operational technologies, especially considering machine learning components.

For more information about the seminar: Júlia Anna Grosschmid julia.grosschmid@taltech.ee


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