Tallinn University of Technology

Exchange students’ timeline at TalTech


Student/Home university

Tallinn University of Technology

Mid-April- 15. May

Course selection, making Learning Agreements, filling in online application form

Application period for Autumn Semester or Whole Academic Year.
High priority-new applicants

First days of May

Info hour for leaving Spring Semester students

1. May- 22. June

Waiting for the online Letter of Acceptance.

TalTech is checking the applications, issuing online Letter of Acceptances.
High priority-new applicants.

From mid-May to mid-June

Examination session at TalTech


Third countries students have to inform Mobility Office, when and where are they going to apply for Estonian visa

Third countries students will get a visa invitation for D-visa

23.-24. June

Public holidays in Estonia

10 days after the end of the semester

Dean’s Offices are issuing Academic Transcripts for leaving Spring Semester students’. Mobility Centre is scanning and sending them to the students and their home universities.
High priority- leaving students

Two first weeks of July

Completing all the duties before holiday. Both leaving and new students.

From mid-July to mid-August


From mid-August to end of August

Preparations for coming to Estonia

Highest priority: Preparations for Orientation Days

A week before the beginning of the Semester

Welcome Week

Welcome Week

The nearest Monday to 1st of September

Beginning of courses and online course registration at TalTech

High priority: Newcomers

The first week of Semester

Selecting courses. Completing the online study plan at TalTech

High priority: Newcomers


Making Changes to Originally Proposed  Learning Agreements

Signing Changes to Learning Agreements

Mid-October-15. November

Admission. Course selection, making Learning Agreements, filling in online application form

Application period for Spring Semester
High priority-new applicants

October, November

Third countries students have to inform Mobility Office, when and where they are going to apply for D-visa

Third countries students will get a visa invitation for visa
High priority-third countries students

First days of December

Info hour for leaving Autumn Semester students

Info hour for leaving Autumn Semester students

24. December-1. January

Christmas Holiday

Christmas Holiday


Examination session for Autumn Semester students/
Preparations for coming to Estonia for newcomers

Preparations for Orientation Days

Wednesday and Thursday before the beginning of the Semester

Participating at Welcome Week

Welcome Week

The nearest Monday to 1st of February

Beginning of courses and online course registration at TalTech

High priority: Newcomers

The first week of Semester

Selecting courses. Completing the online study plan at TalTech

High priority: Newcomers

From second week of Semester

Dean’s Offices are issuing Academic Transcripts for leaving Autumn Semester students’. Mobility Centre is scanning and sending them to the students and their home universities.
Autumn Semester students’ will receive Academic transcripts

From mid-February

Making Changes to Originally Proposed Learning Agreements

Signing Changes to Learning Agreements