Tallinn University of Technology

Dear Spring Semester 2024 Students,

Everybody, who will submit the application to TalTech latest on November 15th, will get the accommodation offer on November 16th 2023.

Dear Autumn Semester 2023 Students,

Academic Hostel IS FULLY BOOKED for the upcoming study semester!

If you are looking for accommodation for a new semester in Tallinn, please ask from the Academic Hostel.

For more details, pictures of rooms and booking instructions, please log in to our webpage: http://www.academichostel.com/en/

If you have any questions about accommodation, please do not hesitate to contact us by e-mail info@academichostel.com or by phone +372 620 2275.

We hope to see you soon!

TalTech Student Campus Academic Hostel team

Academic Hostel

MTÜ TTÜ Üliõpilasküla / TTÜ Student Campus

Akadeemia tee 11/1, 12616 Tallinn, Eesti/Estonia

Tel: +372 620 2275 |  Faks: +372 620 2276



If you look for housing outside the university campus or should you have any questions about accommodation possibilities in Tallinn generally, please contact the Academic Hostel also. The hostel staff will be happy to help and advise about off-campus living.

General Advice

To avoid real estate fraud, we suggest to watch a short TV story shown by Estonian public broadcaster (ERR) in the investigative show Pealtnägija in September 2020. You find the STORY on 19.20 minute. It is in Estonian, but foreigners speak in English.

Academic Hostel website: https://www.academichostel.com/en/tut-exchange-students/