Tallinn University of Technology

Free-movers from Ukraine

If you want to study at TalTech at Autumn Semester 2024, while holding your current students’ status in your home university, afterwards transferring the received courses in TalTech to your home university - you are a free-mover. If you want to study a full degree in TalTech, you find more information here.

Application Deadline for Autumn 2024 ​is May 15th.

War Refugees with Ukrainian citizenship from following Ukrainian universities can apply to all TalTech Schools:

  • V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute"
  • Sumy State University
  • Lviv Polytechnic National University

Applicants from Ukrainian universities mentioned below can apply for specific TalTech schools:

School of Information Technologies:

  • National Aerospace University Kharkiv Aviation Institute
  • Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics (NURE)

School of Engineering:

  • Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • National Aviation University
  • National Mining University

School of Business and Governance:

  • Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University
  • National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
  • MIM Business School

If possible, we ask a nomination from your home university. Please ask your university Coordinator or contact by yourself to incoming@taltech.ee

Required documents:

  • Up to 2 years old ​international English language certificate, ​min B2 level is required.
  • or English language test performed at any other Estonian university.
  • Transcript of Records (ToR). In the absence of a ToR, any official Document, proving previous studies at your home university. To get proof, you can apply for an Education Background Certificate from ENIC/NARIC, you will get confirmation within 60 days.
  • Copy of your Identification Document
  • CV
  • Learning Agreement
    Letter of Acceptance will issued when all the requirements are fulfilled.

Coming as a free mover, you must choose ​min 70% subjects based on the curriculum and study level you are studying in Ukraine (TalTech course offer is here). 
There is no tuition fee.


TalTech grants a scholarships to Ukrainian students who hold a international/temporary protection status in Estonia, and who were matriculated at an Ukrainian university at the time of fleeing the country. The amount of scholarship is 800 euros per month. All those students are automatically eligible for a disadvantage background allowance of 250 euros per month. The amount of the monthly allowance would be 800 + 250 = 1050 euros total.
Students have to cover their accommodation and daily expenses by themselves.

For more information please contact Pillemari Lilleorg: incoming@taltech.ee, and you will be notified how to submit your application.

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Other free-movers

A Student from other foreign higher education institution, only once, coming to study at TalTech on your own initiative, a short period of one semester up to one academic year, is a free-mover, in case we have free places. Your applications will be checked in the end of the application process.


  • Your home university has to make nomination by May 1st or November 1st:
    your name, birth date, gender, e-mail address, study level and field.
  • We will send the basic application information and credentials for login to Mobility platform to you.
  • You will fill in an online application with the required documents: CV, Transcript of Records from your home university, Learning Agreement, copy of the passport and internationally recognized English Language Certificate at B2 level.
  • When your courses are accepted either in June (for Autumn) or December (for Spring), you will receive an online Letter of Acceptance. We cannot confirm you participation before our Partner's students are accepted.
  • Free-movers have no tuition fees.

Differences are in the application process, your application will be checked after our Partner Universities students' applications. The study process will be similar to Erasmus+ students, you will follow the general timetable and take exams with the other students. In the end of the Semester, you will receive Academic Transcript.
We do not offer Free-Mover's Satus for Business, Economics and Information Technology students.

Students from third countries need a long term visa.

Yes, the documents have to be translated into English.
