Tallinn University of Technology

Welcome to Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021, the 10th International SCANVAC Cold Climate Conference, in Tallinn, Estonia 18-21 April 2021.

This international SCANVAC conference is dedicated to heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems performance closely combined with healthy indoor climate and highly energy performing buildings. This year the conference scope is first time extended to cover energy performance and management of buildings in order to support nearly zero energy buildings development both in newbuild and deep renovation. The focus of the conference is on the technology for cold climate conditions. The conference is supported especially by the associations and professionals from Nordic countries.


Keynote speaksers


Atze Boerstra

bba binnenmilieu, The Netherlands

Ventilation solutions to reduce the spread of COVID-19

Prof. dr. ir. Atze Boerstra is managing director of bba binnenmilieu, a consultancy company that specializes in indoor air quality and thermal comfort. He also is Chair of Building Services Innovation at the faculty Architecture and the Built Environment of the Delft University of Technology. Atze is vice-president of REHVA (the Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations). In May 2022 he will act as president of the international congress CLIMA 2022, which will be held in Rotterdam (NL). He is specialist in healthy building, building installation optimization and HVAC system design and operation. He has extensive experience with the investigation of indoor climate problems in buildings and is regularly involved as a consultant in new construction and renovation projects that aim to create an above average healthy & productivity-enhancing indoor environment. He also regularly is involved in the development of new standards and guidelines. Furthermore, he publishes regularly in both professional and scientific journals. Atze studied mechanical engineering at Delft University of Technology and he received a Master Degrees there at the climate control department. At a later age he obtained his PhD at the Faculty of Architecture of Eindhoven University of Technology (subject: 'Personal Control over Indoor Climate in Offices'). Before setting up bba indoor environment in 1996, he worked for the occupational health and safety service of the Dutch government (based in The Hague) and for Hal Levin & Associates (Santa Cruz, California).


Bjarne W. Olesen

DTU, Denmark

Whole year evaluation of thermal comfort using international standards

Bjarne W. Olesen is professor at International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy, Technical University of Denmark. He is internationally known for his extensive work in IEQ standardisation including positions of Convenor of ISO TC159/SC5/WG1 „ Ergonomics of the thermal environment“ and CEN TC156/WG19, Ventilation of Buildings- Indoor Environment, and member in CEN/TC371 Energy performance of buildings. He is active in several other ASHRAE-CEN-ISO-DIN standard committees regarding indoor environment and energy performance of buildings and HVAC systems. Bjarne has been awarded with many scientific and professional awards including REHVA and ASHRAE Fellow Awards and has served as ASHRAE President 2017/18.


Ala Hasan

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

Multiple-source energy flexibility in buildings

Dr Ala Hasan is a Senior Scientist in the Research Area of Smart Energy and Built Environment at VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd since 2013. Prior to that, he worked for 14 years at Aalto University and Helsinki University of Technology. Dr Hasan core competences are excellence in research in the field of Energy in Buildings and Communities, management of research projects, scientific leadership, supervision of doctoral-degree students, teaching, services in the international scientific community, and high-level publications. Dr Hasan has been evaluated as a Professor in the field of Energy in Buildings by several universities. Dr Hasan is member of the Executive Committee of the Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme of the International Energy Agency (IEA-EBC). He is the founder of (IBPSA-Nordic), and its first president for two rounds (2010-2015).


Ahmet Kose

R8 Technologies; Co-founder, Chief Information Officer

Automated fault detection in HVAC systems with machine learning and rule-based methods

Ahmet Kose received his M.Sc degree in Computer and Systems Engineering in 2015 and his PhD degree in Information and Communication Technology from Tallinn University of Technology in 2020. He is a Co-Founder and CIO in R8tech that simplifies building energy and indoor climate management for facility managers with AI. His main research interests lie in the domain of energy efficiency related to HVAC in commercial buildings, computational and artificial intelligence.



Tallinn University of Technology


Center of Excellence in Zero Energy and Resource Efficient Smart Buildings and Districts (ZEBE)


Estonian Society of Heating and Ventilation Engineers EKVÜ


Federation of European Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations


Scandinavian Federation of Heating, Ventilation and Sanitary Engineering Associations in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden


Cold Climate HVAC & Energy 2021 Tallinn team works hard to make this event attractive both for scientists, practitioners, PhD students and other HVAC & building professionals.


Jarek Kurnitski

Conference chair



Martin Thafeldt

Scientific committee chair



Olli Seppänen




Meeli Semjonov

Organizing committee
