Tallinn University of Technology

Technical Tracks and Chairs

TT1 - Power Electronic Converters for DC Microgrids

Óscar Lucía, University of Zaragoza, Spain

TT2 - Modeling, Stability & Control of DC Microgrids

Subham Sahoo, Aalborg University, Denmark

TT3 - MV/HV DC Power Distribution and Technologies

Drazen Dujic, EPFL, Switzerland

TT4 - DC-Based Energy Generation & Storage Systems

Hadi Kanaan, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon

TT5 - DC Buildings & Smart Homes

Joao Martins, NOVA University of Lisbon, Portugal

TT6 - Transportation Electrification & DC Charging

Sheldon Williamson, Ontario Tech University, Canada

TT7 - DC Industry & Data Centers

Marco Stieneker, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, Germany