Tallinn University of Technology

7TH International Conference on DC Microgrids (ICDCM 2025)

June 4 – 6, 2025
Original Sokos Hotel Viru, Tallinn, ESTONIA

ICDCM recolored logo

ICDCM is a flagship conference of the IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS) devoted to the dissemination of new ideas, research and work in progress within the rapidly growing fields of DC microgrids. It will bring together researchers, engineers and students from academia, government and industry for an interactive discussion on the latest advances in DC Grid Technologies and Applications. This conference is organized by PELS TC1: Control and Modeling of Power Electronics. The objectives of the conference are to provide high quality research and professional interactions between industry and academia for the advancement of science, technology and fellowship. The main features of the conference include Keynote Speeches, Tutorials, Regular and Special Sessions.


Platinum Sponsors

Current/OS Foundation
Current/OS Foundation
ABB logo

Gold Sponsors

ODCA – Open DC  Alliance
MR logo
Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH


EATON logo
EATON Corporation