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Students who are enrolled in TalTech can apply for Erasmus+ scholarship for internships (traineeships, work placements, ect).
The internship abroad can last from a minimum of 2 months to a maximum of 6 months. Students can participate in the Erasmus+ programme multiple times, either as a student or as an intern, up to 12 months per one level of study (Bachelor/Master/PhD). In order to get funding, internship has to be related to your studies and students must receive ECTS for it afterwards.
Application for Erasmus+ scholarship for internship is open all year round! However, make sure to submit your application at least 1 month before the internship starts*.
Students can do their internship in EU member countries, as well as in Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Norway, Serbia, and Turkey. Host organisations for internships may be enterprises, training centers, research centers and other organisations including higher education institutions in Erasmus+ Programme Countries. Excluded are European Union institutions, bodies and agencies.
*Applications submitted in July might take longer time to be processed.
Important to know
In case you have already fulfilled the internship course in your curriculum, you can still go for your internship abroad and use the course UTT0130 - Internship Abroad (Välispraktika) to fulfill the requirement for ECTS.
Keep in mind, we can only give out the scholarship when the internship is actually taking place in host institution/country. Online internships cannot be funded.
We are unable to fund internships, which are halfway done or has been already completed. Students must submit their applications at least 1 month before the internship starts to be eligible for the scholarship.
If you are studying in one of the joint study programmes between TalTech and another Estonian university, students can apply from the leading side only: Cybersecurity, Materials and Process for Sustainable Energetics and Design and Technology Futures students must apply through TalTech; Software Engineering must apply through University of Tartu.
Students can also go for an internship abroad as a recent graduate, within one year of graduation. Plan ahead - you must apply at least 1 month before your thesis defense, while still enrolled in TalTech. There are 10 places available for recent graduates for 2024/2025 Academic Year.
In case you are doing your internship on your last semester before graduation, the end date of the mobility shall be:
- 15th of May in Spring semester;
- 15th of December in Autumn semester.
How to apply?
STEP 1 - Find yourself a place for your internship. Keep in mind, that it has to be related to your studies and it has to meet the criteria of the internship, placement, ect subject in your curriculum.
STEP 2 - When you have found yourself a place for internship, please send the Letter of Acceptance to the host organisation to be filled and signed. In case they have their own form, you can use that one as well.

Step 3 - Apply for Erasmus scholarship through SoleMove
Select Tallinn University of Technology [TalTech] from the drop down menu and use your UNI-ID to log in to the system. Select Application form for outgoing student mobility, add new application for traineeship mobility type.
Now you need to wait for a bit - your application will be processed and the final decision will be announced in SoleMove.
After receiving a positive answer:
STEP 4 - Fill in the Learning Agreement: Before the Mobility and Terms of Placement Agreement (not needed for recent graduates) and get them signed by all parties. Afterwards upload the documents to SoleMove to the After Mobility tab of your application.
STEP 5 - Shortly, you will receive a Financial Agreement. 70% of the whole scholarship will be transferred to you on the last working day of the month.
STEP 6 - You will receive an invitation to take an OLS Language tests. The test will be in the the language which you are using during your internship. Tests are online. In case you are interested, there is a possibility to participate in a free online language course.
STEP 7 - After the internship has ended you have to submit the Learning Agreement: After the Mobility and Transfer Form from OIS when you have received the ECTS for the internship. Upload the documents to SoleMove. Fill in the EU Survey online, which is automatically sent to your e-mail. After all this is done, you will receive 30% of the whole scholarship.
- Letter of Acceptance (to be filled in by the host)
- Proof of Insurance
- Motivation Letter
- Learning Agreement: Before the Mobility (Please fill in digitally!)
- Terms of Placement Agreement (Please fill in digitally!) This document is not needed for recent graduates.
In case there are any changes to the dates or content of the internship, please fill in the Learning Agreement: During the Mobility part.
- Learning Agreement: After the Mobility (to be filled in by the host)
Erasmus+ scholarship for internship abroad:
- 824 euros per 30 days: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden
- 756 euros per 30 days: Czech Republic, Cyrpus, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain
- 700 euros per 30 days: Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Turkey
70% of the whole scholarship will be paid out in the beginning of the internship and 30% in the end, after all the mandatory documents are filled in and presented.
Students participating in Erasmus+ programme, will receive an additional 118 EUR (one time payment) on behalf of the Estonian Government.
Internship offers
Here you can find some offers that have been sent to us:
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
The main criteria for interns are:
1. to be enrolled in a full-time degree programme for the duration of the internship;
2. be an OECD member country national;
3. have an excellent command of one of the two official languages of the OECD (English and French) and working knowledge of, or willingness to learn the other.
- EIEM - European Industrial Experience Mittelhessen is offering first-hand work experience in a German companies
Placements are offered for students of:
- Business Administration
- Civil Engineering/Architecture
- Computer Science
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
Presentation and more information
- Stage Internship Malta (many different areas of study)
- Placement in Portugal - different offers!
- Placement Slovakia - a lot of different placement offers!
For more internship offers, visit - a place where companies and organisations can publish their internship offers and search for interns, and where students that want to do an internship abroad can have their profiles, search and apply for internships vacancies.