1st Workshop on Blockchains for Inter-Organizational Collaboration (BIOC’18)
In conjunction with CAISE'18 ( https://caise2018.ut.ee/ )
11th June, Tallinn, Estonia
This workshop scientifically addresses recent research efforts in the field of blockchain technology use for cross-organizational collaboration. The workshop focuses on the application of information and communication technologies in order to enable organizational and government services. The resulting technology-mediated processes are changing the delivery of private and public services, as well as broader interaction between citizens, governments and organizations. More and more countries are considering e-government solutions as a tool to improve their services' efficiency and transparency. However, there is a gap in understanding support for trust and reputation through blockchain solutions that allow unmatched event traceability. The workshop aims to explore systematic approaches for developing and interacting with blockchain-supported services, as well as increasing issues related to blockchain-enabled personal data usage security and privacy. In addition, technological advances in the field of large data analysis, blockchains for distributed application deployment, smart contracts, Internet-of-things, agent technologies, etc., offer new research directions in blockchain-technology space for further improvement of existing solutions.
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Jan Mendling, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
The program
- 9:00-10:30 - Morning Session 1
- Keynote Speech by Prof. Jan Mendling
- 10:30-11:00 - Coffee break
- 11:00-13:00 - Morning Session 2
- Giovanni Meroni and Pierluigi Plebani. Combining Artifact-Driven Monitoring with Blockchain: Analysis and Solutions
- Clemens H. Cap and Benjamin Leiding. Ensuring Resource Trust and Integrity in Web Browsers using Blockchain Technology
- Julian Solarte, Andres Vidal, Carlos Cobos, Alejandro Chamorro and Tomas Velasco. Document Management System based on Private Blockchain for the Support of the Judicial Embargoes Process in Colombia
- 13:00-14:00 - Lunch Break
- 14:00-15:30 - Afternoon Session 1
- Marco Comuzzi, Erdenekhuu Unurjargal and Chiehyeon Lim. Towards a design space for blockchain-based system reengineering
- Dimka Karastoyanova and Ludwig Stage. Towards Collaborative and Reproducible Scientific Experiments on Blockchain
- 15:30-16:00 - Coffee break
- 16:00-18:00 - Afternoon Session 2
Collaboration chat for planning new blockchain presentations and funded project proposals.
Call For Papers
The goal of this workshop is to promote, establish and accelerate research on blockchain technology and identify future research questions. Contributions should focus on clearly stated research questions covering the topics mentioned below.
The topics of interest for blockchain-technology research papers include, but are not limited to:
- Security and Privacy Management of e-Governance Systems
- (Smart) Government
- E-Voting
- Governmental Decision-making
- E-Business
- E-tax
- E-Health
- Identity and Identification Systems
- Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)
- Self-Aware Contracts as well as AI and Smart Contracts
- Interoperability
- Self-organizing and Evolutionary e-governance
- Collaboration Models
- Legal Aspects of Blockchain Technology
- Benchmarks and Evaluation Strategies for blockchain e-governance Systems
- Economics of blockchain e-governance
- Case studies for blockchain-based distributed applications deployment
- Open and Big Data with blockchain technology
Important Dates:
- Paper submission: March 11, 2018 (extended!)
- Acceptance notification: March 29, 2018
- Camera ready: April 13, 2018
- Workshop: June 11,2018
Submission and Publication:
Authors are invited to submit original, unpublished research papers. The papers must be written in English strictly following the Springer LNBIP style. For formatting instructions and templates, please see the Springer Web page:
Four types of submissions are accepted:
- Full papers and papers with maximum length of 12 pages, including references and appendices.
- Short papers and position papers with a maximum length of 6 pages, including references and appendices.
Papers should be submitted in PDF format via the electronic submission system that is available at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bioc18
Submitted papers will be evaluated according to their rigor, significance, originality, technical quality and exposition by at least three distinct members of an international program committee.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register and participate in the workshop. Registration is subject to the terms, conditions and procedures of the main BPM'16 conference available on its website: https://caise2018.ut.ee/
Workshop Chairs
- Alex Norta, Tallinn University of Technology, Large-Scale-Systems Group
- Dirk Draheim, Tallinn University of Technology, Large-Scale-Systems Group
Program Committee
- Benjamin Leiding, University of Göttingen, Germany
- Dirk Draheim, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
- Alex Norta, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
- Han van der Aa, VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Mark Staples, CSIRO, Australia
- Stefan Schulte, TU-Vienna, Austria
- Claudio Di Ciccio, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
- Schahram Dustdar, TU-Vienna, Austria
- Tijs Slaats, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Xiwei Xu, UNSW in Sydney, Australia
- Cristina Cabanillas, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
- Jan Mendling, Business University Vienna, Austria
- Barbara Weber, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
- Søren Debois, IT-University of Copenhagen, Denmark
- Matthias Weidlich, Humboldt-University zu Berlin, Germany
- Guido Governatori, CSIRO, Australia
- Mathias Weske, Hasso Plattner Institut, Germany
- Manfred Reichert, University of Ulm, Germany
- Florian Daniel, Politechnic Milano, Italy
- Marcello La Rosa, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
- Stefanie Rinderle-Ma, University of Vienna, Austria