Tallinn University of Technology

Targeted Projects

Do you have a large-scale system challenge? Let us delve into your systems. We can help with:

  • Computer-aided IT system analysis (Sonargraph, Tivoli and the like)
  • OSI-layer 4-7 technical system simulation, (exploiting Tallinn Tech's 5000 core supercomputer)
  • Standards-based system re-documentation (TOGAF, BPMN and the like)
  • System refactoring (design-patterns-driven)
  • Prototyping: implementation and evaluation of architectural spikes (any programming language, any platform)

We are ready to conduct a well-defined and targeted project with you.

Think Tanks

You are under pressure? You must come up with a solution. A solution that works. And quick! Don't hesitate. Bring together your best brains and we join with our experts from Tallinn Tech. We are experienced in supreme techniques1,2 that trigger discussion and enforce solutions. We will organize the think tank, the boot camp for you. And, given our network, we can invite renowned experts in the field of information systems to join our efforts, e.g., experts in enterprise architecture, distributed systems, IT security and so forth.

1 Reg Revans. What is Action Learning? In: The Journal of Management Development, vol. 1, no. 3., MCB Publications, 1982.

2 Jean-Francois Chosson. L'entraînement mental, Seuil, 1975.

Directed Research

Industry-Directed Research Studies

In this modern form of Industry/University cooperation, the industrial partner pays for the complete 4-years PhD studies of a PhD student. A multiple win-win situation is created as follows.

  • The PhD topic is provided by or developed together with the industrial partner.
  • The PhD student is selected by or together with the industrial partner.
  • The PhD student is engaged in real-life projects of the industrial partner. The PhD student solves tricky, non-everyday problems in these projects.
  • The PhD student works, two days the week, in the company, This way, the PhD student contributes to the company with concrete value added.
  • The professor garuantees the high quality of the PhD student's work.
  • Via the engagement, the industrial partner gains access to Tallin Tech's know-how and the scientific communitiy and network.
  • The PhD students gains valuable insight into real-life projects and problems.
  • The successful PhD thesis substantially contributes to the body of knowledge of the company and/or solves an important IT architecture/design problem of the company.
  • The successful PhD student is a candidate to start a carreer in the company, as a junior manager or as highly-skilled expert.
  • Via the engagement, the University can tighten its contact to the industrial partner.
  • A knowledge exhange between industry and academia happens, back and forth, as between equal partners.
  • The PhD studies contribute to the research output of Tallinn Tech and this way improve the visibility of the University.
  • Beyond immediate, directly measurable wins, the indutrial partner shows social responsibility with this model of cooperation. The investment into young experts is a good investment for all of us, here in Estonia and in the international commun ity.

We are happy if you are interested in this model and are available to give more information!

Research Approach

Depending on scope and size of the research subject we use one of the following rigorous research approaches:

  • Design Science1
  • Case-Study Research2
  • Action Design Research3

1 Alan R. Hevner, Salvatore T. March, Jinsoo Park, Sudha Ram. Design Science in Information Systems Research. MIS Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 1, March 2004.

2 Per Runeson, Martin Host, Austen Rainer, Bjorn Regnell. Case Study Research in Software Engineering -- Guidelines and Examples. Wiley & Sons, April 2012.

3 Maung K. Sein, Ola Henfridsson, Sandeep Purao, Matti Rossi, Rikard Lindgren. Action Design Research. MIS Quarterly, vol. 35, no. 2, June 2011.