Survey on the Impact of Digital Initiatives
This survey has been conducted by a team of researchers from Tallinn University of Technology (Taltech); Capgemini Germany, Business & Technology Solutions Public Sector; ITMO University St. Petersburg; and Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting. We are interested in the perceived impact of digital transformation: How do citizens and experts perceive the impact of digital initiatives on our societies, governments, economies, our daily lives and work? (The survey is part of our research on foundations of e-government from the perspective of discourse ethics in the tradition of Jürgen Habermas and Karl-Otto Apel.)
The survey was opened on Monday, 20th May 2019.
The survey has been closed on Monday, 10th June 2019.
After only two questions about the profession and the country of the respondent, we asked the same 3 questions (single-choice-questions) for each out of 10 digital initiatives (e-voting, open data, e-participation, basic e-government, e-health, m-government, smart government, smart city, smart contracts, digital globalization), i.e., a total of 30 questions. Also, we provided means to state open-ended opinions for each digital initiative.
The answers are fully anonymized.
In case respondees wanted us to send the first stable results (report/publication) of the survey, they could leave us their email (optional) at the end of the survey. We will use the email address only for the purpose of sending these results and will delete them after that. After that, references to further results (reports/publications) will be listed at this web page.
The collected survey data (fully anonymized: without the open-ended opinions, without the email addresses) has been made publicly available on 11th June 2019 at this web page.
The collected open-ended opinions or any extracts thereof will not be made publicly available (in particular: also not used in any kind of publication). They will be made subject to thematic analysis and will be deleted no later than 10th June 2020 (one year after the survey has been closed).
The collected data are not commercially used. The consulting companies involved in that survey do not support this project for commercial interest but try to support this project with their acquired knowledge. The involved consulting companies will have no access to collected email addresses (only Tallinn University of Technology will have access to collected email addresses).
In case of questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via:
Collected Data
Download the collected survey data (fully anonymized: without open-ended opinions, without email addresses) here:
Collected Data (Survery on the Impact of Digital Initiatives)