Tallinn University of Technology

Main research areas

The School of IT contributes to three priority areas:

  • smart and energy efficient environments – creation, development and application of new smart cyberphysical systems through innovative ICT-based and energy-efficient engineering solutions;
  • dependable IT solutions – reliable and attack-resilient ICT systems and services, sustainable development of critical ICT infrastructure, energy efficient ICT systems and data processing methods, trust and confidence of users and society in the ICT services and guaranteeing privacy;
  • future governance – people's expectations of public policies and services, the government's new role in the society, development of innovative ICT-based solutions and services (ehealth, e-learning) based on new governance (incl. e-governance) by applying knowledge of and experience in various ICT technologies.

Please find Academic Strategic Plan of the School of Information Technologies, approved by the Council on June 16, 2020, here

Further information:

Maie Bachmann
Vice-Dean of Research

Research, teaching, and development in 2023

• The successful IT Academy (2018-2023) science support program concluded in the School of IT, resulting in new research directions and groups, recruitment of several scientists and doctoral students, and the launch of new research projects important for Estonia and the university based on broad scientific networks.

• The Department of Health Technologies, in collaboration with other Schools, established the university-wide cooperation platform TalTech Health, where all health-related activities meet. Its mission is to increase the number of healthy life years of Estonian residents and reduce Estonian healthcare system costs by supporting Estonian organizations and companies in developing and implementing new health technologies. The platform aims to internally coordinate health technology activities, maintain an up-to-date overview of university capabilities, and serve as a "one-stop health technology door" for our external partners when needed.

• The Department of Health Technologies was visited by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) mission, which provided analysis and a report on Estonian medical physics and the "Medical Engineering and Physics" curriculum. This supports medical physics-related activities planning and implementation at curriculum, faculty, university, and national levels, as well as developing cooperation with the agency.

• The "Creativity Matters" research group created at the IT College focuses on studying telepresence robots primarily in education, but also in hospitals and care centers. Under the leadership of research group head Janika Leoste, additional applications in business are being sought, e.g., as a semi-autonomous building guide, and robots can be seen operating in Ülemiste City during 2024.

• The Department of Computer Systems became an associated member of CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) and initiated collaboration with Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment scientists to develop a new generation chip-based detector. The detector, called "Fast Beam Condition Monitor (FBCM)," is an important part of the Large Hadron Collider's next major upgrade and ensures more precise physical measurements and higher radiation safety.

• The Biorobotics Center at the Institute of Computer Systems completed a robot prototype for movement in underground environments and on soft terrain as part of the ROBOMINERS research project. Its use has already been demonstrated in various environments such as abandoned mines or soft snow.

• TalTech's Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics coordinated the CEF project LatEst 5GS, "5G Corridor Study for Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania," which had significant cross-border impact. The project conducted a study on establishing 5G infrastructure along Via Baltica and Rail Baltic routes. The study provided ministries with baseline information for deciding on infrastructure development funding. Due to the project's success, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications proposed TalTech prepare a bid for the 2024 project competition to coordinate the aforementioned infrastructure development from the CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) budget starting in 2025.

• Under the leadership of the Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics, the international project 5G-Timber continued, accelerating the implementation of 5G mobile communications, digital technologies, and artificial intelligence in small and medium-sized enterprises in the timber industry. A pilot project launched in the Vantaa region of Finland, and the first wooden house has been connected to the mobile network. The pilot project aims to learn how to build wooden houses so their lifespan would be longer and they could be used for 50-100 years. From Estonia, modular house manufacturer Harmet OÜ and machine-building company Hekotek AS are participating in the project.

The Language Technology Laboratory of the Department of Software Science demonstrated world-class skills in several international competitions. Excellent results were achieved in NIST LRE 2022, ASRU MADASR Challenge, and ICASSP LIMMITS Challenge competitions, which compare systems created by different research groups in spoken language identification, speech recognition, and speech synthesis respectively.

• The Informatics bachelor's program organized a successful series of INIT events for 50 high school graduates, featuring exciting workshops and IT companies. A quarter of the participants enrolled in the program and another quarter in other Technical University programs. 140 students completed and received certificates for the open course "Introduction to Programming" aimed at high schools.

Research, teaching, and development in 2022

  • Working with GuardTime scientists, we developed Digital Euro and Alphabill technology and conducted its feasibility study led by the European Central Bank and eight other central banks. This resulted in blockchain technology that scales for digital currency, global applications, and Web 3.0 creation.
  • The e-Medicine Center conducted "Digital Skills Development Training for Family Doctors and Nurses" under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications' training procurement, completed by 500 people, of whom 60 percent were doctors and 40 percent family nurses. The training reached every Estonian county and significantly contributed to developing digital literacy in family medicine.
  • Smart solutions based on sensor technologies created by the School's scientists can be found from Svalbard to Baltic Sea passenger ferries, from urban environments to medical systems. The aim is to make our environment safer, better and greener.
  • The Communication Systems research group's project application LatEst 5G received funding from CEF Digital's "Cross-border connectivity" measure. The project involves six partners, including international mobile service providers, and during implementation, 5G radio network coverage will be measured along the Via Baltica route in Latvia and Estonia (including cross-border service availability) to determine infrastructure development needs.
  • Department of Software Science researcher Niccolò Veltri received the President's Young IT Scientist Award. His research has focused on software reliability theory, methods, and tools. Veltri has both advanced the theoretical foundations of functional programming and fully programmed and formalized the created theory.
  • Centre of Digital Forensics and Cyber Security's senior researcher and lecturer Birgy Lorenz received the Estonian Science Popularization Award for the CyberOlympics project, which has significantly contributed to increasing youth cyber awareness and interest in IT and related science for over five years. Over five years, 75 thousand young people have participated in cyber defense competitions and programs.
  • The Ministry of Education and Research selected informatics bachelor's program director Ago Luberg as one of the lecturers of the year, who also received the faculty's program director of the year recognition. His student writes: "Ago is a lecturer and program director who genuinely cares about students' success and considers their feedback to improve both his courses and curriculum. Ago Luberg is one of the reasons why I enjoy studying at Tallinn University of Technology."
  • We swept the national student research competition in engineering and technology, where our students won the first three prizes at the master's level. Additional recognition was received at the bachelor's level and in medicine and health technologies at the doctoral level.
  • A new development phase began at the IT College, where in addition to teaching activities, research work has started in the form of an IT didactics research group. The college also fulfills several other important support functions, coordinating both the IT Didactics Center and the Scientific Computing Center work.
  • We participated in AIRE (AI and Robotics Centre) training and club events and helped sheet metal products manufacturer AS Valdek create a smart warehouse demo project. This is a monitoring system that uses AI solutions to track the location of products and components in different production phases across the company's storage areas, totaling nearly 500 m².

Research, teaching, and development in 2021

  • Five out of TalTech’s 12 successful proposals for Estonian Research Council personal research grants were submitted by researchers from the School of Information Technologies, for the total amount of 1.16 million euros. One of the proposals was the project “CRASHLESS – Cross-Layer Reliability and Self-Health Awareness for Intelligent Autonomous Systems”, led by Tenured Professor Maksim Jenihhin. The proposal was ranked first among the team grant proposals.
  • Graduations reached an all-time high in 2021 with 675 IT students completing their studies. While the university’s activity support from the state budget has increased by just a few percentage points, the number of graduates from the School has grown by almost 40% over the past four years. A total of 926 new students were admitted to undergraduate (498) and master’s programmes (428) at the School. The most popular undergraduate programme (of all programmes across the university) was IT Systems Development with 174 new students enrolled and the most popular master’s programme was Analysis and Design of Information Systems with 75 students enrolled. 14 students, including 4 female students, completed their PhD studies in 2021.
  • The IT Didactics Centre was created in the autumn, and Birgy Lorenz, Senior Researcher at the Department of Software Sciences was appointed Head of the Centre. The Centre disseminates the best practices in modern teaching and provides support to teachers (through seminars, co-vision, mentoring, trips, conferences and mini surveys), and help prepare admission-related workshops.
  • The Centre of the Environmental Sensing technologies, led by Tenured Professor Jeffrey Andrew Tuhtan, was created in 2021, and won the contracts tendered by the German Federal Institute of Hydrology for developing large-scale underwater artificial intelligence allowing for an automatic assessment of fish biodiversity in German rivers. The research group has also successfully marketed hydropower sensors now in use in major European power companies and government institutions, the Belgian Research Institute for Nature and Forest and the UK Environmental Agency.
  • In collaboration with the Strathmore University Business School (SBS) in Kenya, we started to develop an interdisciplinary curriculum focused on digital competences and e-governance. We introduced case studies from Estonia, several training programmes were conducted and two e-courses created targeted at both students and the representatives of the public and private sectors.
  • The project „RESCUE ETN – Interdependent Challenges of Reliability, Security and Quality in Nano-electronic Systems Design“ (principal investigator: Tenured Professor Maksim Jenihhin, 2017–2021, funding: 3.8 million euros) was successfully completed. The aim of the international research project and training network RESCUE was to increase Europe’s leading role and increase competitiveness in the field of nano-electronic systems.
  • We completed several projects under the NUTIKAS programme, with the total funding of 7.8 million euros. The projects include the development of smart city and cross-border e-commerce digital infrastructure, preparing e-courses for Digiriigi Akadeemia, and increasing resistance to phishing attacks in the Smart-ID service. TalTech was represented by researchers from the Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security, who explore cryptography, network security, cyber crime and cyber operations.
  • The Communication Systems Research Group of the Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics successfully applied for funding for the ambitious project 5G-TIMBER, aimed at implementing digital and green transformation in timber industry and at improving the efficiency of work processes. There are 16 parties to the project including several Estonian industrial companies. The research group of the School of Information Technologies is entrusted with the responsibilities of the project coordinator.

Research, teaching, and development in 2020

  • With the aid of a research support measure under the Study IT in Estonia programme, we launched new research groups in the fields of hardware security and software reliability, led by professors Samuel Pagliarini and Pawel Sobocinski. Professor Pagliarini, in collaboration with researchers from Carnegie Mellon and Stanford in the USA, developed a novel solution for producing secure integrated circuits.  
  •  With funding from Horizon 2020, we launched the 5G-Routes project, which has a consortium of 22 members from a total of ten European countries. Organisations participating in the venture include Ericsson Eesti, Telia Eesti, TalTech, Eesti Raudtee, Latvian mobile network operator LMT, Airbus Defence and Space, and many others. TalTech’s area of responsibility in the project is 5G-based positioning solutions for autonomous vehicles. One of the main challenges in this area is the determination of the position of vehicles with centimetre-level accuracy instead of metre-level. 
  •  The Department of Software Science and the Maritime Academy were awarded a five-year grant under the ERA Chair programme for a collaborative project, which will see the founding of a professorship in maritime cyber security and the launch of a research group dedicated to matters of cyber security in ship, port, and navigation systems. The multidisciplinary research group will build on TalTech’s existing know-how in the field of cyber security and maritime affairs, and will co-operate with maritime companies in Estonia and abroad. 
  • At the ceremony dedicated to the anniversary of the Republic of Estonia, Tallinn University of Technology announced its most outstanding researchers, research articles, and projects from the past year. Margus Viigimaa, professor at the Department of Health Technologies, was elected Researcher of the Year. Juri Belikov, professor of software sciences, was awarded the title Junior Researcher of the Year.
  • The best development work of Tallinn University of Technology in 2020 was the prototype of an innovative sensor created by the university's researchers that monitors lung function and heart rate and also the transfer of oxygen to tissues through the bloodstream. 
  •  We carried out a year-long IT didactics centre project aimed at raising awareness of, introducing, and researching various IT teaching methods and technologies. We laid the foundation for the development of research and competence in the field of digital pedagogy and education informatics. Our university has now set a goal of stepping up didactics-related activities and establishing didactics centres in all of its schools and regional colleges. 
  •  In 2020, we launched new projects under the Estonian Research Council’s support measure NUTIKAS for a total of almost 2.5 million euros. These include the development of digital infrastructure for smart cities and cross-border e-commerce, improving resistance to phishing attacks in the Smart-ID service, timber industry-specific custom production management software, and applied research aimed at enabling electricity consumers to respond more quickly to changes in the market prices of electricity. 
  •  In order to increase the research computing capacity of the university, the High Performance Computing Centre was established under the School of IT for the management and development of the hardware and software resources necessary for high-performance computing for scientific purposes. The centre manages two large computer clusters with a total of more than 200 servers and 200 TB of storage capacity, in addition to providing cloud services to users of virtual machines. 
  •  The Laboratory of Language Technology won first prize at the national Language Deed of the Year awards with a speech recognition system that can be used, for example, for voice dictation of documents, transcription of voice and video recordings, and voice communication with computers and other devices.  This free program is used by radiologists at the North Estonian Regional Hospital, media monitoring companies, as well as for automatic preparation of verbatim reports in the Estonian parliament. 
  •  Ardo Allik, a doctoral student of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), was awarded an Ustus Agur scholarship by ITL (Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications) and HARNO (Estonian Education and Youth Board). The applications he will be developing within the framework of his doctoral thesis will allow to monitor a person’s level of fatigue or state of health by processing various signals and thereby to increase safety and comfort at work. 
  •  The largest number of students to date began studies at the School of IT: 612 bachelor’s and 451 master’s students. The new ‘Hardware Development and Programming’ study programme proved highly popular. The international joint study programme ‘Digital Solutions’ was launched with EIT Digital
  •  In late summer, we conducted two EIT Digital Summer Schools in parallel. Over two weeks, students from various universities around the world – from Europe, the US, Asia, and Africa – sought solutions to health technology problems and learned about the key components of a digital state.  

Research, teaching, and development in 2019

  • Professor Yuri Belikov, who studies complex control systems, received the Young IT Researcher Award from President Kersti Kaljulaid.  In his research, Yuri Belikov has combined mathematics and information technology to create better models for controlling complex processes. The results of his research can be utilised in biology, medicine, energetics, large infrastructures, and a number of other fields.  
  • Kaido Kikkas, a lecturer at the IT College, received the Teacher of the Year Award at the national Teacher of the Year award ceremony. In addition to his regular and extensive teaching efforts that are regarded highly both by his students and colleagues, Kaido has contributed wholeheartedly to creating learning opportunities for people with disabilities at universities. He is extremely skilled at recognising people’s individual differences and adjusting the teaching process accordingly. 
  • In early September, the Tallinn University of Technology and the Tallinn Health Care College signed a partnership agreement aimed at improving knowledge transfer in the field of e-health innovation between the health care sector and IT students. Now, healthcare technology students can test digital solutions at the simulation laboratory of the Health Care College. In addition, work was started on the development of a virtual ambulance training environment in collaboration with the Tallinn Health Care College and the Health and Welfare Information Systems Centre.  
  • Interest in the field of ICT is growing: a record 535 students are entering bachelor’s studies, while the number of new students in the first and second level of studies combined is nearly 1,000. The number of graduates is similarly record-breaking. This spring, we awarded 270 master’s and 272 bachelor’s and applied higher education degrees, which is the highest number yet. Two out of every three Estonian IT whizzes come from the Tallinn University of Technology
  • The school’s commercial revenue totalled 2.6 million euros (cf. EUR 1.45 million in 2018). Major partners include Reach U, Guardtime, Thinnect, Cybernetica, Telia, Swedbank, Aurora Solutions, and Tallink.  
  • The Department of Software Science and OÜ Thinnect developed a technology that can be used to monitor urban air quality and measure traffic flows. Over the course of this spring, the so-called smart city sensor network on Tallinn’s street lighting posts will be fitted with 900 devices equipped with batteries and solar panels for collecting environmental and traffic density data. City and traffic planners will be able to use the data to make better decisions as well as reduce traffic noise and pollution. 
  • Thanks to the smart specialisation project NUTIKAS, a partnership was launched with Aurora Solutions OÜ for the creation of a service platform for VAT and customs declarations that will enable countries to significantly increase their tax revenues. Currently, creating a manual declaration in the EU costs 15–25 euros, while an electronic declaration costs 2.5–5 euros. The service devised by Aurora Solutions brings this down to between 0.05 and 2 euros. Through the Archimedes Foundation, the parties received €1.3 million for applied research from EU Structural Funds. 
  • A research team at the Thomas Johann Seebeck Department of Electronics set out to develop a medical measuring device utilising impedance spectroscopy for monitoring cardiac function in humans. 
  • Two new research groups were set up with the aid of a research support measure under the Study IT in Estonia programme. At the end of the year, a software reliability professorship was established, taken up by Pawel Sobocinski. Meanwhile, Professor Samuel Pagliarini began leading a hardware and systems security and reliability group.  
  • The Laboratory of Language Technology worked on improving Estonian-language speech recognition and developed a publicly available speech recognition service. Although the development efforts are focused on the Estonian language, most of the methods and technologies are language-independent and the developed software is available under an open-source licence. 
  • The Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security celebrated its fifth anniversary. According to Rain Ottis, the head of the centre, the multidisciplinary group of researchers takes a broad approach to the study of cyber security, exploring all areas from cryptography to monitoring systems and from the legal aspects of cyber security to digital forensics. This allows for high-level collaboration with both the public sector as well as private companies, such as Cybernetica, CybExer, GuardTime, and RangeForce. 
  • In November, a free online course titled ‘Elements of AI’ was launched, aimed at providing knowledge and skills regarding artificial intelligence to as many people as possible from various fields, and reaching at least one percent of the Estonian population. The objective of the project was to support the development and growth of our artificial intelligence, machine learning, and data science communities. The project was joined by nearly 50 companies and organisations that wanted to educate their employees about artificial intelligence.   
  • We launched the Government Technology and AI Lab (GovAILab), aimed at advising public authorities in the areas of digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, and providing solutions to data-related problems in the public sector. The lab acts as a partner for organisation managers, businesspeople, and technical specialists to help them make better choices, develop a technology vision, and test out artificial intelligence solutions. Additionally, it provides a platform for testing various solution concepts through prototype development. Our interests are also scientific: we want to publish our work and introduce what we have created to the world.