Tallinn University of Technology

Minor speciality means a module that allows acquisition of additional knowledge and skills for commencing work in the minor speciality and for continuing studies in the next study cycle.

The minimum workload of a minor speciality is 45 ECTS credits and a minor speciality is always part of a certain study programme. A course of a minor speciality may have prerequisites, which shall be completed before registration for the course. If the prerequisites have not been completed previously, the total volume of ECTS credits may exceed that of the minor speciality module.

Study Programme Minor Speciality ECTS Language
International Business Administration Business 48 ECTS English

Other minor specialities currently taught at TalTech (taught only in Estonian)

Information on minor specialities is available in the study information system ÕIS, at the relevant study programme, which includes the minor speciality module.

The courses of a minor speciality are specified under the optional study module. Completion of the module will be verified prior to graduation. Completion of the module will be verified only if the student has selected the minor speciality module in the study information system ÕIS under "My study results". A module may be selected already before completion of the courses of the minor speciality module or later. Data on completion of a minor speciality shall be indicated on the diploma supplement.