Tallinn University of Technology

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Exhibition archive

TalTech museum has organized several outstanding exhibitions since it moved to the new library building. In 2010, the first exhibition of the newly relocated museum, “Volcano - Creator and Destroyer” won the Estonian Museums' annual award - the Museum Rat. The next gallery exhibition “Metamorphoses - Insects Insects” was also a success. Inspired by Estonian space history and the success of EstCube, the exhibition “Estonian Footprint in Space - Space Footprint in Estonia” opened in 2013. The display was judged worthy of being a Museum Rat 2013 nominee. 

From June 16 to December 31 the main building of the university hosted the fascinating exhibition "Campus 60 - Tallinn University of Technology on the dunes of Mustamäe". The exhibition celebrated the university's arrival at its permanent home in Mustamäe, being the first inhabitant of the district on the undeveloped sand dunes. The exhibition marked the journey of the University of Technology since 1918 until the regaining of independence in the 1990s.


Press release (ENG)

The opening exhibition of the museum's main hall, “Mehaanika” (tr. “Mechanics”) was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Faculty of Mechanics of Tallinn University of Technology. The visitors had an opportunity to take a peek at humankind’s efforts to create artificial machines to simplify life. On display were objects from the screw of Archimedes to the modern racing car.


Article in Õhtuleht

Article in Eesti Ekspress

Article in ERR science news portal Novaator

Overview of the exhibition on Youtube

Martin Esinurm introducing the exhibition

Animation depicting the deans of the Faculty of Mechanics throughout time 

Animation AMDF aka Air-Massage Device for Feet

The exhibition “Eesti Energeetika” (tr. “Estonian Energetics”), introducing the activities of the Faculty of Energy was not limited to the activities of the university but dealt with the story of energy in a broader sense. How much work does it really take for us to be able to switch the light on with a simple push of a button? This exhibition made it clear to visitors young and old. One could learn about the detailed transfer of electricity and become more knowledgeable about consumption and energy savings. “Estonian Energetics” was not limited to electricity – a parallel story about heating could also be followed at the exhibition. 


In 2018 TalTech museum celebrated the universitys´ centenary with the exhibition “TTÜ 100. World class science and scientists“. This exhibit presented the results of the scientists’ and engineers’ work in three stages: the period before WWII, the Soviet era and today, demonstrating how and why has the way in which engineers’ work changed, and what kinds of questions have been worked on throughout the decades at the university.  The exhibition remained open until the end of 2022.


Press release (EST)

Article in Sirp

Article in Forte

Article in Pealinn

The first exhibition of the new Tallinn University of Technology Museum, “Vulkaan – looja ja hävitaja” (tr. “Volcano - Creator and Destroyer”) was opened at the Gallery Futurum in 2010 and was immediately a great success. The exhibition was judged worthy of the Estonian Annual Museum Award – the Museum Rat. The exhibition was inspired by the dramatic eruption of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland and reflected the history and present situation of volcanoes, also introducing a variety of rocks formed as a result of volcanic activity.

The exhibition won the Estonian Museums' annual award – the Museum Rat!

The insect exhibition aptly titled “Metamorfoosid – putukadputukadputukad” (tr. “Metamorphoses – bugsbugsbugs”) told a story about the diverse world of insects and how insects are a source of inspiration for engineers, artists, and musicians. The foundation of the exhibition was the diverse insect collection of entomologist Allan Selin and the writings of the well-known Estonian naturalist Urmas Tartes. Jaan Toomik's socio-psychological video “Jaanika” and the short film “Death of an Insect” by Hannes Vartiainen and Pekka Veikkolainen, which attracted the attention of PÖFF, took museum visitors into a world of transformations.

Inspired by Estonian space history and the success of EstCube, the exhibition “Eesti jälg kosmoses – kosmose jälg Eestis” (tr. “Estonia’s footprint in space – space’s footprint in Estonia”) demonstrates the contributions of Estonian scientists, engineers, and companies to space research. The exhibition was prepared in cooperation between two museums: TalTech Museum and the University of Tartu Museum.


Article in Sirp

Article in Õhtuleht

Article in Postimees

“Puder ja Kapsad” (tr. “Porridge and Cabbages”) presented the story of food, viewed through the eyes of modern man and throughout the centuries. One could see the tools for roasting coffee beans and making waffles from the 19th century, as well as the product that was named the best food product in Estonia that year. The exhibition displayed a rich selection of spices to guess and presented the food ration of the polar hiker Timo Palo and the average Estonian soldier. An impressive garbage tower seen at the exhibition – the amount of rubbish left over from the food consumed by a family of four during a month – perhaps made visitors rethink their consumption habits.

The works of metal artists Tõnu Arrak and Nils Hindi and the video Dietá of the winners of the Kristjan Raud Prize, Silja Saarepuu, and Villu Plink were also exhibited.


Overview and gallery on creative agency Pult website

Overview of the exhibition on Youtube

An exhibition dedicated to the Estonian Student Construction Squad (EÜE) was on display in the gallery and lobby between the library and the building of economic and social sciences.

EÜE, which operated from 1964 to 1993, is a local legendary organized student summer camp activity that lasted for a whole generation, reaching to various regions of Estonia and connecting thousands of participants.

The 50th working summer of the construction squad was celebrated in July 2013 with the gathering of former participants and the exhibition “With Trowel and Guitar. Work summers of the Estonian Student Construction Squad”.

From January to April 2014, the exhibition was displayed at the Estonian National Museum in Tartu. Until October 31, 2015, the exhibition resided at Tallinn University of Technology. The display was supplemented with objects from the squad’s history and highlighted the importance of former TPI students in EÜE.

The exhibition was completed in cooperation between the Estonian National Museum and the University of Tartu Museum.