Dear researcher and doctoral student!
The Tallinn University of Technology library, in cooperation with other university libraries, has initiated a campaign to collect research papers "Share your presentation“ to store them in TalTechData, the research data repository of Tallinn University of Technology.
This is the next step in collecting and preserving academic heritage campaign. In the first stage, we focused on collecting research posters.
If you have presentation files that have been kept on a flash drive or computer hard drive after the conference, we would be grateful if you could upload them to TalTechData repository.
As an integral part of scientific communication, a conference presentation is undoubtedly a form of academic heritage that deserves to be preserved. By storing them in our digital archive, we can be sure that researchers, students, and all other interested people will have access to the presentations in the future.
It is very easy for the author to add the presentation file to the repository – just add the main metadata and upload the presentation there. Like theses, presentations are protected by a CC license. All uploaded presentations receive a DOI, or permanent reference, which makes it easier to use and refer to them in the future.
The University of Tartu Library, Estonian University of Life Sciences and Tallinn University libraries have also joined the campaign to collect as many presentations by researchers and post-graduates of the Estonian universities as possible.
We very much hope that the library's initiative will become a good practice and that after the conferences the presentations will reach our repository.
Add your presentation to TalTechData today!
We also continue to collect research posters!
Janelle Kirss, Head Bibliographer of Data Management,