Tallinn University of Technology

The lecture competition “Science in 3 minutes”, which is taking place for the sixth time, allows young researchers to brush up on their presentation skills and receive more attention from the general public. The three best in the preliminary round of TalTech will go directly to the grand final.

Teadus 3 minutiga
Pictured is a screenshot of Jako Siim Eensalu's winning video

All doctoral students and young researchers of TalTech who submit a three-minute video lecture (IN ESTONIAN) by 10 November participate in a competition for young researchers held by the Estonian Academy of Sciences and Estonian Public Broadcasting (ERR), which offers new experiences and valuable prizes.

For example, the best of the university’s preliminary round will receive a monetary award. From 21 to 22 November, there will be an opportunity to take part in an intensive science popularisation course in Heimtali and meet top researchers and professional science communicators in order to make the contents and format of your presentation even better. The finalists have the opportunity to publish a popular science article based on their presentation, which will be published in the ERR science portal Novaator and elsewhere.

Why should you participate?

Last year’s winner of “Science in 3 minutes”, engineer of TalTech’s Department of Materials and Environmental Technology Jako Siim Eensalu (pictured is a screenshot of his winning video) admits that the competition primarily developed his presentation and self-expression skills. “But it also showed that the general public is interested in my research. Winning the competition proved that success is based on daily and consistent practice,” the young researcher emphasised.

For the video lecture to succeed, Jako Siim suggests watching the previous years’ gala videos in order to learn from polished presentations. “It’s best to make a video that is easy to understand and has generalised content that gives an overview of one specific topic in three minutes.”

Note: Watch the video lecture that brought Jako Siim Eensalu to victory!

Who can participate?

We welcome all of our doctoral students as well as young researchers who have received their doctoral degree in the period from February 2021 to today, and who wish to contribute to the progress of Estonian scientific language and Estonian scientific communication.

What is the competition like?

Participants should send homemade three-minute science lectures to kaire.kaljuvee@taltech.ee by 10 November at the latest.

The university’s panel will choose three finalists by 15 November who will represent TalTech at the formal final in February. The panel of the Estonian Academy of Sciences will determine five winning lectures across all participants, which will be made into three-minute science clips with the help of a professional television team. The clips will be published in the science portal Novaator and screened by ERR in April 2022.

What are the requirements for the lecture?

  • The lecture must be in Estonian.
  • The lecture cannot exceed three minutes and participants must organise and film the video themselves.
  • Those who wish, can use TalTech Studio to record the lecture. The contact person is Joonas Hendrik Kokamägi, joonas.kokamagi@taltech.ee
  • The video must be at least 720 pixels and in wmv, mpg, mpeg or mp4.
  • Note! The video cannot be edited. The presentation must be continuous and fit into three minutes.
  • Video clips sent after 10 November are not eligible for the preliminary competition.