Tallinn University of Technology

Led by the Finnish IT Centre for Science, CSC, one of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, LUMI is being built. Estonia also has a holding in the computer, which gives our researchers and companies access to much higher computing capacity than they have had so far. TalTech High Performance Computing Centre works to ensure that its researchers are among the first to use LUMI.

The LUMI supercomputer is built by a consortium with the Finnish CSC as the leading partner. The Estonian partner is the Estonian Scientific Computing Infrastructure, the members of which are the University of Tartu, Tallinn University of Technology, NICPB and the Education and Youth Board (HARNO).

According to head of the Centre Lauri Anton, LUMI is a resource that must be made available to our users because it allows researchers to use the world’s top-end supercomputer and to perform calculations that our machines are unable to. “Researchers are welcome to contact us now already to use the LUMI supercomputer, so that preparations could be made for the work. We also need to get involved in the activities related to LUMI and the surrounding projects,” said Anton.

At the beginning of last year, the management model of TalTech’s High Performance Computing Centre was updated. The Centre is now operating in the IT College of the School of IT, managing two major computing clusters with a total of over 200 servers and over 200 TB of storage capacity, and, led by Lauri Anton, the Centre provides cloud services for virtual machine users.

Anton added that there are quite a few users already, but there is still plenty of room for users of the machinery and the services. “Over the years, we have achieved a lot in the development of the Centre. Today, the team of the High Performance Computing Centre has grown to five members, and a lot of work has been done to improve the infrastructure, a trouble ticket system has been introduced to monitor user contacts, and hardware monitoring has been improved,” said the head of the Centre. He added that a new leading machine is ready for work, where users are identified using the Uni-ID. An online course has been established to train new users.

To meet the objectives of this year, the plan is to recruit new staff, open an internship spot and get more equipment. The objectives include a 2PB storage and back-up solution, a repository of research data for long-term storage and an increase in the storage capacity of the existing cloud service.

More information about the LUMI supercomputer: https://www.lumi-supercomputer.eu/

LUMI superarvutit ehitab konsortsium, mille juhtpartneriks on Soome CSC