Tallinn University of Technology

Applications for scholarships of TalTech’s Development Fund have started. This autumn, a total of 50 scholarships will be granted.

Arengufondi stipendiumikonkurss on avatud

The purpose of the Development Fund is to help motivate students and contribute to the future generation of academic staff in TalTech. The average scholarship for bachelor's studies is 1,300 euros, for master's studies 2,000 euros, and for doctoral studies 3,200 euros.

Scholarships are granted by Estonian companies and individuals.

For example, the XRP Ledger Trust will begin to support bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral students. Member of the board Bharath Chari said: “We create new financial products and services fit for the 21st century. For this reason, we find it important to support students of TalTech who we hope will make a major contribution to the development of the digital economy. In addition to the scholarships, we hope for a broader collaboration with TalTech to make the world more energy efficient, smart, and innovative.”

There are other new scholarships granted this autumn. For example, Rantelon supports bachelor’s students, Onninen AS engineering studies, and Sweco Projekt and Sandla Puit master’s students. In addition, several scholarships have been revived, such as Tallinna Vee’s support for bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral students, the scholarship named after Rikard Kruusberg, and the EKVÜ scholarship for master’s students.

Sweco Projekt, a long-term supporter of the Development Fund, has added a new scholarship this year. Peter Haab, head of the company’s HVAC and WS department, emphasized: “We decided to grant the scholarship because we want to motivate the students of the Indoor Climate in Buildings and Water Engineering master’s programme at the School of Engineering. Their contribution to the future society is very important, as we know that people spend most of their time indoors, meaning that their well-being and comfort are important for the whole of society. This area greatly influences the global CO2 footprint, which can be reduced with good and high-quality engineering solutions. We see supporting students during their studies as an appreciation of them and the society as a whole.”

The Development Fund of TalTech has been operating since 1991. Its most long-term partners are Eesti Energia, Viru Keemia Grupp, Tehnopolis Ülemiste, Harju Elekter, Eesti Mäeselts, Merko Ehitus, Telia, Nordecon, Silberauto, and Trev-2, and also a number of private individuals such as Tiina Mõis, Ruth Oltjer, Väino Kaldoja, Toomas Luman, and Olaf Herman, who contribute to various scholarships. Over the last 20 years, Estonian companies and individuals have supported TalTech students with a total amount of almost 3 million euros.
