Tallinn University of Technology

Kadri Cahani is a Cybersecurity Master’s programme graduate from Albania. His interest in the security aspects of information technology developed during his Bachelor’s studies and a desire for new challenges brought him to Estonia. Kadri's experience reflects how broad and multifaceted the field of cyber security is. He has been an active student throughout his studies and continues to be involved with the university as an alumnus. Kadri shares the story of his journey to Estonia and his discoveries while settling into his studies in TalTech.

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Where did you first hear about Estonia?

It all began while searching for a Master's degree after my studies in business IT. I got really interested in the security aspects of information technology and started searching for universities abroad, since at that time there were no such options in my home country. 

What made you interested in cyber security?

While studying for my Bachelor's degree, I took a few courses on information security and became amazed with the security topics. I have always been intrigued by taking up challenges and information security was a mixture of passion for IT and the challenges of its security. This obviously was followed on my Bachelor's thesis on information security and that’s how this journey started. 

What aspects of cyber security did you focus on in your studies in TalTech? Why are they important and interesting for you?

Cyber security is a vast field and during my studies in TalTech, I have had the chance to study various subjects ranging from human and legal aspects of cyber security to cyber security management among others. First, because the human aspect is an important part of information security and the field is relatively new, thus it is essential to study its implications on our more and more digital societies. The latter probably came instinctively due to my previous educational background.

Please tell a little bit about your student-life in TalTech. What opportunities does TalTech offer for an active student?

During the years of my studies I had enormous opportunities and became actively part of student life. Initially, I served as a student representative for the Cybersecurity programme and became part of the Erasmus Student Network for TalTech. In addition, I had the chance to participate in a lot of workshops and I also represented the university in a cyber security strategy competition with participants from all over Europe and the USA. Furthermore, I have been part of several large cyber security exercises in Estonia. These activities not only have helped me gain experience but have been a great chance to network. These experiences helped me get an internship at NATO CCDCOE, a flagship in cyber defence expertise. Therefore, I decided to remain actively involved as student ambassador and alumnus for TalTech even after my studies.

What is the most surprising fact that you have discovered about Estonia while living here?

Estonia was an unknown country for me and it is difficult to point out only one. To begin with, I became fascinated with the digital society here and how easy it is to do everything online. I like the hackathon culture, the support that new ideas can get and I love the Estonian work culture. I think the country offers a perfect balance of advantages of a digital society without losing its unique traditional spirit. 

Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) is the only flagship in engineering and IT science and education in Estonia, providing higher education at all levels in engineering and technology, information technology, economics, science, and maritime. TalTech’s mission is to be a promoter of science, technology, and innovation and a leading provider of engineering and economic education in Estonia. Learn more on how to apply: taltech.ee/en/apply

The Cybersecurity programme provides students with core skills in wide aspects of the security of information systems and specialised skills in the chosen specialisation. Students get a unique chance to study under high-level Cybersecurity practitioners from Estonian universities, industry, law enforcement, CERT and the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence: www.taltech.ee/en/cyber-msc