Tallinn University of Technology

From the fall semester 2022/2023, all undergraduate students who are recognized in the Dean's List of the School of IT receive a scholarship of 300 euros in one month, the purpose of which is to motivate students to study with a nominal load and graduate in a nominal time.

Stipendiumi näol on tegemist tunnustusega, mis aitab tudengitel õpingutes edeneda ja annab ühese sõnumi, et hästi õppimine tasub ära.
The scholarship helps students progress in their studies and gives a clear message that studying well pays off.

According to Gert Jervan, Dean of the School of IT, the scholarship, which is awarded for one semester or five months, values students' contribution to their studies, studying well with a full load and encourages them to graduate in the nominal time.

A student who is enrolled in undergraduate studies and included in the Dean's List approved in the semester of the scholarship application has the right to apply for the scholarship. All undergraduate students who were on the Dean's List last spring semester have already received an invitation to apply for the scholarship.

The Dean's List and the awarding of the scholarship are based, among other things, on the following principles: the student's weighted average grade is at least 4.60; the student potentially completes his/her studies with nominal time, which means that he studies full-time and completes the curriculum cumulatively in full. The next Dean's List will be published in February 2023 and then a new round of applications will open.

According to Margareth Lasn, chairwoman of the board of the Student Association of the School of IT (ITÜK), the scholarship is a recognition that helps students progress in their studies and gives a clear message that studying well pays off. "IT students already have many opportunities to quickly move to the labor market already at the beginning of their studies, but with the support of the scholarship, they can continue to acquire high-quality education," said Lasn.

TalTech's School of IT has been recognizing students by publishing the Dean's List since 2019. The students included in the list, which is published twice a year (fall and spring), are dedicated to their studies and their academic performance is outstanding. They are an example for their fellow students and in-demand specialists on the labor market in the future. With the Dean’s List scholarship School of IT wishes to create a new tradition.