Tallinn University of Technology

Mirjam Mikkin, the Communication Manager of Nordecon, the largest construction contractor in Estonia, graduated cum laude this spring from TalTech, with a Master’s from the School of Engineering and talks about who and why should apply for a company scholarship for engineering studies.

Mirjam Mikkin, Nordecon
Mirjam Mikkin, Nordeconi kommunikatsioonijuht

Nordecon has supported through the Development Fund the students and young researchers of TalTech already for 20 years. Why do you do this?

It is difficult to overemphasise the importance of the Tallinn University of Technology in providing construction education in Estonia. The finest of the Estonian civil engineers emerge from the students of TalTech. They are ready to realise also the most complicated projects and solve exciting construction technical challenges. It is for this reason that the cooperation with the university is very important for us and we try to do so in many different ways.

The awarding of the Nordecon engineering studies scholarship is a good opportunity to find at the earliest, the strongest students with the greatest initiative.

We hope with the awarding of the young researcher scholarship named after Heinrich Laul that we would be visible on the international stage, also with our research work in the field of construction and that we find the best points of contact between the cooperation of research and entrepreneurship that supports the development of the field. We if possible will precisely give support to those research works, the results of which that we as an influential main contractor can apply ourselves.

Who do you await to apply for your scholarships?

We await those students of the field of construction to apply for the Nordecon scholarships of engineering studies, who are fans of their field of specialisation and who are looking for possibilities to find practical outlets for their school acquired knowledge. You are welcome to apply if you have good academic results and have an active attitude towards life. We await as applicants for the Professor Heinrich Laul Young Researcher or Lecturer Scholarship, active researchers/lecturers in the field of construction who are ready to expand the horizons of students, in cooperation with us, jointly find innovative research topics, as well as if needed, be good at thinking along.

What kind of cooperation can you make with students who have applied for the scholarship?

We await all holders of scholarships of engineering studies, to participate in internships at Nordecon and later as employees. This is a good opportunity to test yourself in a diverse teamof the largest main contractor of construction in Estonia and to gain valuable work experience, from the most exciting construction sites in Estonia.

The holder of the Nordecon engineering studies scholarship from 2017, Martin Talvik for example, has been working for Nordecon as the site manager of the Lesta apartment buildings of Haven Kakumäe, as well as the construction of the Ajamaja (Time Building) in the Rotermann Quarter that was completed this year. The experience of construction sites of such scale gives a good capacity for the future.

What are your recommendations to the TalTech students that still have doubts about applying for a scholarship?

There is nothing to lose by applying, only to win. More important than the scholarship money, are contacts that you can create with companies whose scholarships you are applying for. We in any case recommend showing activeness and interest also towards companies that issue scholarships, as precisely these may in the future emerge as your employers or important cooperation partners.

Please lastly state one exciting fact about Nordecon AS.

Nordecon is definitely currently one of the construction companies in Estonia that uses the most digital solutions. We draw experience from other countries, are in close cooperation with other parties in the construction field and see a huge possibility in a data based approach. Who else if not Nordecon, can serve as the pathfinder to give a boost to the next development leap of the construction field.

Find out more about the Development Fund scholarship competition and present an application from here.