Tallinn University of Technology

Andrijana Cekovska from North Macedonia got her master’s degree in Mechatronics from TalTech last year and she is working in ABB as an engineering intern. Her job is to programme and develop industrial robots.

How did you find your way to technology education?

My decision to study Electrical Power Engineering for my bachelor’s was an easy one. I have always been drawn to mathematics and natural sciences, the passion I also followed in high school, where we were given the opportunity to choose a specialty for the last two years. I chose mathematics and physics. For my higher education I chose engineering, as I wish to be a part of it, and contribute to the advancement of technological development.

Naised inseneerias: Andrijana Cekovska

How did you find your way from TalTech to ABB?

As I was studying in the field of technology, I obviously knew about ABB as a company. However, I had never had a chance to apply for a position at ABB. When I came to study in Estonia, I got a better idea of what the company had to offer, and we even visited ABB with our TalTech faculty. Finally, I sent an application and after graduation I started my work at ABB.

Please describe your work tasks.

As I am part of the robotic team, our goal is to offer robotic solutions for the Industry. My tasks vary from building robotic simulations to programming actual robots, and, of course, to all the accompanying work needed for the supply of final solutions.

What do you like most about ABB?

What I like most about ABB is the variety of possibilities offered to its employees. I have been a part of the company for a year and during this time, I have participated in trainings and various events and projects. The work here is dynamic and there is always something new to learn. In my opinion, ABB is a great place for personal and professional development.

Do you feel that more women are needed in your specialty and why?

I believe everyone should follow their dreams and if your dream is to work as an engineer, you shouldn’t be afraid to work towards it. Engineering offers a variety of opportunities and what’s most important - it has equal room for both men and women.

Of course the employment market is competitive to all, and maybe it’s a little bit more difficult for a woman to fight the stereotypes, but with having a clear focus, commitment and stamina everyone can find their way.

What kind of opportunities, experiences and skills has technology education given you to succeed in life?

During my educational journey, I have had a chance to participate in workshops, seminars, summer and winter schools, exchange programmes, and, to acquire practical experience in industry. I have learned a lot from these experiences, I have met with wonderful people and got a better idea of what do I wish to focus on in the future.

What do you like to do in your free time?

In my free time I simply like to relax and watch movies and TV-series, from time to time I like to read books and spend time with my friends.

What about your future? Do you plan to stay in Estonia?

I like where I am now and I love Estonia, so I will probably stay here for a while. At the moment, this is my short-term plan and I have not made any long-term plans yet.

See the study programmes of the engineering faculty HERE.