The fund, whereto everyone can donate, is created with the aim of supporting both international students who are Ukrainian citizens and already studying at Tallinn University of Technology and those whose studies have been interrupted due to the Russian military attack and who want to continue their studies in TalTech’s study programmes.
You can support the students by donating to the Development Fund of Tallinn University of Technology. The university also calls on its alumni to help students from Ukraine.
“Every student deserves the opportunity to study,” said Tiit Land, Rector of Tallinn University of Technology. “Our goal is to allow young people from Ukraine to start or continue their studies here in the autumn semester. For this they need a monthly scholarship to cover their daily living costs.”
To help young people from Ukraine, you can make a single or regular donation to the SA TALLINNA TEHNIKAÜLIKOOLI ARENGUFOND, which has donation accounts both in the SEB Bank (bank account number EE471010052027905003) and in Swedbank (bank account number EE572200221011286139).
In the details line, please write “Ukrainian students” and your personal identification code. Private persons can get an income tax incentive and legal persons can get an income tax exemption for donations made through the foundation Development Fund of Tallinn University of Technology.
You can conveniently contribute to the fond via payment link.
Tallinn University of Technology has opened a special website on Ukraine, where you can obtain information about the university’s activities in support of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people.
Additional information: Head of TalTech Development Foundation Elinor Toming,
Donations are voluntary and non-refundable.